The Story of My Radio
Boston based musician, JP Powell (Chauncey, Bleu and My Favorite Relative) had just moved south in pursuit of greener pastures. After making records with Ducky Carlisle (Boston) and Steve Albini (Chicago), leaving gear behind at the Mercury Lounge (NYC) on more than one occasion, and sharing the stage at the Paradise (Boston) and Irving Plaza (NYC) with the likes of Supergrass and Midnight Oil, he was ready to hang up the rock and roll dream. Or so he thought until he met Hunter Johnson.
Hunter, a hard-hitting studio drummer who had worked consistently with Mitch Easter, Don Dixon, Ted Comerford, and Micah Wilshire, was running a coffee shop as his day job. That’s where JP and Hunter met, and the beginnings of My Radio were founded over caffeine, surrounded by people pretending to read important books but were really there to possibly have a significant interaction with the waitress. After one or possibly two cigarettes, JP and Hunter realized they had a common idea that rock should rock and pop should have a melody.
Brett Lemon (photographer/guitarist/bartender) was thrown into the mix because he plays a Tele and doesn't overplay that Tele. He's also a really cool guy and did we mention that he plays a Tele. Ironically, after a year of making music together and starting to work on My Radio's 1st studio release (Mitch Easter, Ted Commerford, John Plymale, and Micah Wilshire), Hunter and Brett realized that they were in fact cousins. Yes, My Radio has Southern roots.
With the addition of Jeff Hofmann on bass, My Radio has become a formidable upstart power pop band that has planted its roots firmly in the Star City of Roanoke, which is kind of like LA except a lot smaller, has snow in the winter, and instead of a giant Hollywood sign on a mountain it has a giant neon star.
In conclusion, My Radio would like you to know that we rehearse and write our music in a garage, and we wouldn't have it any other way.