IMS HEALTH (Frenchy style) profile picture

IMS HEALTH (Frenchy style)

About Me

DEDA (Donnes En Donnant Audio ) Spécialisé en musique Jamaïcaine et en musique électronique, Selecta Fayamax et Deejay IMS vous font un mélange ethnique hors du commun. Deda exerce surtout sur la côte atlantique, principalement dans les Landes. Mélange de drum and bass et de jungle, les membres de l'association forme une équipe soudée pour l'organisation de concert et autres dates. Leur objectif est simple faire écouter leur sound le plus souvent possible, c'est pour ceci que 95% de leurs live sont gratuit. Ils en sont à leurs 13 éme mix tapes, et déja 1 album en 2008. Plusieurs morceaux sont sur le myspace, UTOPIA (Jungle), BASS IN (D&B), BBNH (Break Beat), NIKEMOUK (Drum&Bass) ============================================================ =============== Deejay Ims Health Biography Dj. Ims Health was born in 1981 at Poitiers the central of France . This Dj is an industry of sound. His music styles are Electro/Break Beat/ Drum & Bass/ Dub Stepp underground style and already mixtape. Otherwise he would love to present himself with his graphics style, there are many flyers to promote and support his work. 1996: He started the first party with Funky and new wave 1999: He was a resident of Palace Night Club for two years. 2001: Acienda night club for 1 year. 2002: He was plays Tribal Acid House at many places in Paris with Saxophonist and Percussionist on E.S.S.E Corporation (Booking and Graphicsm agency) 2003: He has organized the first electro party in Paris 2004: He was established the NON-STOP RECORDS Association with Dj.PH-neutre in Lyon . He started to plays Electro/ Break Beat set in the mean time. 2005: Techno Parade has organization with 30 other sound systems 18 Kilo watts on Imperial bus for 300 000 People (Technopôle Association) 2006: He had moves to the sea side in France and established DEDA SUB SYSTEM with his friend Selecta Fayamax to be a great support of sound system. Both of them are realize non stop mix Drum & Bass, Dub Step, Reggae, Jungle. It was very hard in the beginning of underground style. They have made a lot of promotion, marketing to support they work. 2008: He cames over to Thailand , South East Asia . He would like to share his experience with his music underground style in Asia .Mix Type: 3 ALBUMS of 12 TRACKS 18 MIX TAPES 1 LIVE DUB STEPP / DRUM&BASS with: ELECTRIBE MX /KORG (GROOVE BOX) ELECTRIBE SX /KORG (SAMPLER/GROOVE BOX) KAOS PAD 3 /KORG (EFFECT/SAMPLER) Mix with: MC Jamalski ( MC Youthstar ( MC Snakee ( 36 TH Chamber ( at: LE BUS PALADIUM ( Paris France ), LE SONOTONE ( Biarritz France ), LA VILLA ( Paris France ), L'HYPODROME ( Marseilles France ), SALLES NAPOLEON ( Bayonne France ), LE DUPLEX ( Paris ), LE DV1 (Lyon France ), LE 10 (Lyon France ), LES BOURDAINES (Seignosse France ), L IMMORTAL ( Bangkok Thailande), HAD YAO (Kho Phangan Thailande), LE BOOBOOZZZ (Biscarrosse France ), LA BOITE (Tour France ), LE MIDSTAR ( Angers France ) L'HAVANA ( Toulouse France ), LE BARCO LOCO (Seignosse France ), CHATEAU DE RICHEBOIS (Aix en Provance), FESTIVAL DES MUSIQUE DU MONDE (St Etienne France), L'HYPODROME ( Marseilles France ), JAZZ IN MARCIAC (Gers France) FULL MOON PARTY ( Had rin Thailand ) And more.. Contact: -DEEJAY JIMY IMS (ELECTRO/BREAK BEAT) -DEEJAY IMS HEALTH (DUBSTEPP/DRUM&BASS) -GRAFF IMS (UNDERGROUND DESIGN) -DEDA SUB SYSTEM (FRANCE)

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Member Since: 14/05/2007
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Record Label: deda Sound System

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