Lea Thorlann's powerfull voice often inspires reviewers to compare her with Janis Joplin, and nothing is held back when she lets go in bands like Troels Jensen & the Healers and Ladies Sing the Blues, as well as in a large amount of backing vocals on several recordings.
"For many years I have been singing in a lot of different bands - lead and backing, cover and other people's songs. But when I started attending the Rhythm Conservatory in Copenhagen I began writing my own songs. Later on I won a scholarship and travelled in the US for 3 months, visiting Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and especially New Orleans. Everywhere I went, I soaked in all the overwhelming impressions.
This was the inspiration which - together with her everyday life in Copenhagen - at last has found the sound in this début CD".
"Mother Marilyn" is taking place in a rich suburb of Atlanta. A giant house, arrogant cats and she's a mormon, we're visiting - her son and me - and he's an alcoholic.
"December in New Orleans" - a warm night on the porch with a cold beer and a starry sky. Suddenly all the lights go out in the neighbourhood - and you are far, far away from home.
"Untitled" - old evergreens and newer song titles form a love storie.
Stories and observations, pain, happiness and irony, - thoughts, feelings, senses and banalities - humorous as well as right-into-the-heart-vulnerability.
"Last year I found the musicians - The Spicy Gang - who were able to play and communicate my songs in a way that sounded and felt right. We played at, amongst other places, the Copenhagen Jazz Festival, after which I found I had the energy and courage to start recording a CD with all my stories of which I am very fond.