About Me
Heaven Sinner live
You Oughta Know live
Rinse live
Be the change you want to see in the world. - Gandhi
Naomi Recania began her musical career in Seattle as an accomplished pianist, winning the Yamaha National Electone Keyboard Festival competition at age 14. Real or imagined, she felt a pressure to take a more traditional career path, and left music behind after high school.
Unable to deal with childhood demons, and too shy to seek outside help, she fell into a quiet depression while working 12 hour days and partying at night to keep her mind distracted. Though she had never really tried singing, her brother - hip-hop producer Rocdusa - brought her into the studio one day to try singing some backing vocals on a track.
Naomi quickly realized that while singing she was finally able to shed all her insecurities and inhibitions, if even momentarily. She began taking drives out to the ocean, sitting on a cliff for hours on end penning scathing lyrics aimed at those who had broken her down.
Burnt out with a day job she hated, Naomi took a day off and Googled “music schools.†The search led her to the acclaimed Musicians Institute , and in a moment of revelation she put in her two-weeks notice and moved to Hollywood.
Originally focusing on old school R&B, a friend turned her on to hard rock. Loud, distorted guitars and bashing drums proved the perfect compliment to her “look what you’ve done†lyrics, and she was instantly hooked.
After a brief break from music to reconfigure her thoughts and priorities, she is back and better than ever. She is working with some old friends and some new ones and can't wait to share the new tunes!
Naomi Recania earned Outstanding Vocalist honors at Musicians Institute, and has worked with rapper Shyan Selah , Kalen Chase (aka The Bunny) of Korn, Peter Avveduti of Illium , gospel singer Patrick Shields , and producers Rocdusa , and Jeff Trott (Sheryl Crow).
*All the live tracks were from a performance with her cover band, Miss Nomers and the Peanut Gallery. See 'band members' for musicians names.
**Heaven Sinner was written by Nikka Costa, You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette, and Rinse by Vanessa Carlton
***Beautiful Misery and Unfair to You are original songs.
DVD of performances available.
My Blog
some new lyrics for a new song...
It's been a really long time since I've done anything, really, with this page. My bad. Anyway, I've been writing again lately and here are some lyrics I wrote today...Lest we forget where we came from...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 19:46:00 GMT
Beautiful Misery
I wrote these lyrics after watching Requiem for a Dream, back in 2003. Jennifer Connelly's character affected me in a way that I've never felt before that I just had to write to express how I felt. ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:42:00 GMT
Unfair to You
Unfair To You By Naomi RecaniaStained glassVisions of youShattered dreamsOne can only dreadEverything's so blurryCan't seem to get outTrapped within my thoughtsMy thoughtsMy visions Perceptions of you...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:35:00 GMT
Buzz Like Flies
And here is another set of lyrics Dusty and I wrote together. This song is about being violated. Good times...Buzz Like FliesBy Dusty Schaller/Naomi RecaniaThe pictures in their crooked framesSaw wh...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:06:00 GMT
Love Attempted
Here is a set of lyrics Dusty and I wrote together...Love AttemptedBy Naomi Recania/Dusty SchallerSitting in a room of chaosMy heart grieves over youMemories scattered across the floorYou are nowhere ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:56:00 GMT
I wrote these lyrics a couple years ago when I was (obviously) a little depressed. This is the first set of lyrics that I wrote entirely about myself. My other songs are (mostly) about other people....
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:49:00 GMT
rimble ramble
find your lovefind your passionjust let goit will happenfree yourselffrom distractionfocusand you will see...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 23:41:00 GMT
the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round...
just sayin'...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 20:40:00 GMT
clean slate...
re-fresh, re-birth, learn to live again...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:23:00 GMT