Animaiden profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 27, from Terre Haute, Indiana. I only look like a sweet little girl from the outside, but inside I'm a little wild. I like to swear like a sailor. I'm a dedicated friend though and I despise lying and liars. I hate the games people play and I appreciate honesty and people who are really what they say there are. I try to treat people how I'd like to be treated, unless they're jerks. ;) I love movies, music of all kinds as my tastes are very eclectic, books, anime and manga, dancing, and going out with friends. As long as the company is good, I'll do anything that's fun indoors or outdoors. I really dig intelligence and a sense of humor in a person, and I like meeting people who are far from normal because normal is boring! I want to live out all my secret fantasies before I die as crazy or ridiculous as they may be! I also have a new mantra - Live like you have the world in your pocket and dance like all the boys and girls are watching!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba cuz she's about the hottest chick on the planet, and maybe Johnny Depp cuz he's so out there. Also I'd love to meet Willie Nelson and pick his brain about all the stuff he's seen and hear his pothead stories. And Christopher Walken cuz he's badass. There are so many authors I'd love sit down and talk with, and so many amazing bands that I'd love to get inside info on, like Bayside and Ludo. And I'd love to be kissed by Katy Perry! Liam Neeson, Teddy Roosevelt, Rudyard Kipling and Sappho!

My Blog

Goddamn you Sex and the City!!!!

Today I gave in and watched the Sex and the City movie.  AND DAMN IF I DIDN'T GET WHAT WAS COMING TO ME FOR WATCHING IT.  Reaffirming the reason I never watch it ever, it gives young women everywhere ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 14:38:00 GMT

"Still I rise" or is it only lies? . . .

A lot of you don't know what I'm about to divulge but I would have if you'd asked.  But I want a little tit for tat.  I give the tit and you give the tat.  The question on my mind, on m...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 03:25:00 GMT

More than space and time . . .

I think I am a child of the universe and I defy parameters.  I think I am the spark that lights the soul.  The genuine article; life incarnate.  I can't stop myself from seeking out the...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 21:06:00 GMT

"Eat the wizard, eat the slut, eat the robot’s shiny butt!"

Okay dokey so I'm watching the new Futurama movie "Bender's Game".  For those of you who are all kinds of cool, you'd have already realized it's a play on "Ender's Game".  And the whole thin...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 19:21:00 GMT

When you find yourself upside down with your head stuck in the recliner of life . . .

attack your own ass furiously to vent your frustrations for awhile.  If you do so with enough fervor eventually you will right yourself.  But if you chase your own tail venting your frustrat...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 06:45:00 GMT

aw fun . . .

No, no not really fun at all.  I need someone to save me from my Saint Valentine's Day Massacre.  Save me from being the Child of the Universe.  Storm in and rescue me from the Law of t...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 18:06:00 GMT

More mind fuckage . . .

I slept a little bit after yesterdays trials.  But my dreams . . . again.  It all centered around a mysterious corporation with a little girl at the top driving things.  Not even a cree...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 09:29:00 GMT

More rare, more precious . . .

All encompasing lovenegating doubtsspotlighting mesoundless serenadedare I fain control dare I feel his soullike gazing at a cometthe heavens fall all aroundI dance in the fireengulf me freelyI give s...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 05:46:00 GMT

Check out this video: Funny Accident on Live News

Check out this video: Funny Accident on Live News Ahahahaha! Yeah.
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 15:56:00 GMT

What I want . . .

Right at this moment, when I'm slightly tipsy from cherry wine . . .  I want . . .1)  I want to break you down and open you up.  Lose control and lose yourself in me like I know you've ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:53:00 GMT