I'm Melissa
Some call me Pi/Pie/Melezzer
I'm nineteen
I've finished my A Levels and awaiting results
I would consider myself to be a sapiosexual (look it up on urban dictionary!)
I suffer from pregret
I have an obsession with DVDs. I can't stop myself from buying them. I have in excess of 200, all of which are arranged alphabetically and documented in a spreadsheet. Ha
I like manspray, as in Lynx Africa and the like
My two favourite smells are Joop (best mansmell ever) and Hot Couture.
I'm bad with money
I have no willpower whatsoever. Fact.
Before I die, I want to fall asleep staring up at the stars
I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. One symptom and im dying of some illness or other
I'm overly sarcastic. I'm trying to change that. But it's difficult to change a habit of a lifetime
I like chilling with friends. Just hanging out randomly, doing whatever
I'm a girl with many facades
I let more things get to me than I let on
I need a haircut.