Music is created, fostered, performed, and enjoyed. Apollosdown thrives on these four elements. Residing in the underground realm, Apollosdown existed twisting and turning, longing to be free from the powers that be. After a dramatic escape, Apollosdown found itself roaming, studying, and searching; the perfect fit is out there somewhere and the puzzle pieces must be found.
After many years of watching and waiting, Apollosdown made its move through the minds of different musicians and has finally found the perfect combination. Entering the impressionable and passionate minds of five individuals, Apollosdown was complete. Ferg, Matty P, Marcone, Brain and Kinger conclude the impatient quest for perfection. Apollosdown found a connection between these individuals and fostered the growth between them. These five have combined their musical passions and unique influences to create the liquid flowing sound of Apollosdown today.
The chosen five have accepted the mission set before them and define Apollosdown bringing it to life within the realm of sound. The complete incarnation of Apollosdown allow the heart and soul of the entity to be fully enjoyed.