i'm easily fascinated. i like to learn. i wanna know everything. i wanna know everything && share it with the world. i have big goals and dreams for myself. i'm determined. i don't let things get in the way of what i really want. life is what you make of it. i've learned that whatevers gonna happen is gonna happen and people shouldn't stress so much over the little things in life. i used to be that girl that people walk all over but i can't make everyone happy. the only thing i can control is myself and i've decided that from now on i'm working on making myself happy and so far..its working. [:"if you're big enough for your dreams..your dreams aren't big enough for you."
i already met that person that will run off and go on adventures with me and get caught for trespassing at my secret spot. that person that will hold my hand through everything and kiss my forehead just because he loves me. that person thats free and just likes to do whatever as long as we're together. that guy that will TRY to watch the sunrise with me but is always willing to watch the sunset if we miss it. that guy that won't tell me to stop jumping around but will jump around with me and who will go on the buzz lightyear ride twenty times in a row and play mario kart with me until the wee hours of the morning && who just loves me for me..and his name is jermaine.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
♥ life is good ♥
forever&&ever babe
its not making mistakes its learning from them
love music. it helps me through the day. some people like to smoke or drink to ease their pain. i listen to music.
love & basketball most definitely. mr. and mrs. smith. 50 first dates. [: LION KING!! and all those princess disney movies that actually make me want to be girly for a good two seconds. lol. sweet home alabama. and...SUPERBAD! cuz i love my best friend!
grey's anatomy. one tree hill. greek.
i like books. but don't tell. the bible. a bend in the road. lord of the flies. fahrenheit 451. tuesdays with morrie.
robert the juggler. lol. and derek and david! and and..the meanest guy in the world..jerMEANie. [: yay!