SLUDGE FACTORY - Alice in Chains Tribute profile picture

SLUDGE FACTORY - Alice in Chains Tribute

About Me

Layne Staley
1967-2002 -R.I.P- We miss you!
-Layne's birthday : August 22, 1967 -Layne's death [official date] : April 5, 2002
Layne Thomas Staley was born on August 22, 1967 to Phil Staley and Nancy McCallum in Kirkland, Washington. He was eight years old when his parents divorced, after which he was raised by his mother and sisters. In early 2002 shortly before his death he would describe the experience of witnessing his parents' divorce to Adriana Rubio: "My world became a nightmare, there were just shadows around me. I got [a] call saying that my dad had died, [but] my family always knew he was around doing all kind of drugs. Since that call I always was wondering, 'Where is my dad?' I felt so sad for him and I missed him. He dropped out of my life for 15 years." In that same interview he also said that he was convinced that if he became a celebrity his dad would return. At the age of twelve, Staley began playing drums; he played in several glam bands in his early teens, but by this point Layne had aspirations of becoming a singer. His bandmates found this amusing, and they would poke fun at him, which infuriated him. He proceeded to trade in his drum set for a microphone, and started Alice In Chains with co-founder Jerry Cantrell. Shortly after, he began using recreational drugs on a regular basis. Staley's vocals were composed of several unique styles that expressed several emotions. He would often double or triple track his vocals, which gave a unique and now recognizable effect.
Few rock vocalists have created such a dark and eerie body of work as Layne Staley. Staley was quickly creating an original vocal style - the creepiness of such metal artists like Ozzy Osborne and Alice Cooper, while merging with a classic Jim Morrison type feel.
Despite all of his band's success, things were going wrong behind the scenes. Rumors that Staley had developed into a hardcore drug user began spreading by the mid-90s. Also, the band not touring and being on hiatus didn't quite help either...releasing a best of, a box set, and a live concert appeared; but no new material. Staley had also appeared as part of Seattle rock supergroup Mad Season.
His life took a turn for the worst in 1996 when his fiancee died from drugs, which made his drug habits grow worse. He refused to answer his door or phone calls from former bandmates, friends, family members, etc..
Staley was found dead on his sofa in his condo; the victim of a lethal dose of herion and cocaine. Because his body was found dead for like 2 weeks, it was hard to determine the exact date of his passing. So, eventually an eerie date was determined- April 5, 2002.
So here it is, the culmination of years being inspired by a sound that has become legendary. The sound of AIC and Layne Staley! Putting it all together with a group of guys that felt as deeply as I about a voice and band that influenced the world was a daunting task that has taken years to do.
Well, here it is.........SLUDGE FACTORY
Now if you have been craving a tribute that truely emulates the complete spirit of what AIC was about and hear the voice of Layne in an all too ghostly live show, the time has come!
SLUDGE FACTORY is the only way to really get your fix! More than just another AIC tribute. A tribute to the voice of Layne Staley!
Combining seasoned musicians who have each been inspired by AIC and have a passion for their music has created what can only be described as a haunting tribute to both AIC and the music of Layne Staley and Mad Season.
Out of Albany,NY comes this group you will tell everyone you know about after hearing just one song. You will be amazed!! You'll be on your cell phone while in the club....freaking out!
Come and hear the real thing for yourself. After all, these are just words, let Sludge Factory speak for itself.
The rest is just pure passion! Ours, yours and the passion of their music as it once was!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/13/2007
Band Members: Dan DVOX Coler - Vocals
G Bird - Guitars
Greg Nash - Drums
SLUDGE is currently seeking 2 hardworking, professional and dedicated new members. Lead guitarist w/vocals and a bassist needed to put the finishing touch on an incredible band. Do you know someone who has the chops and the love of AIC and Layne? Are you the guy with the passion to bring the music of AIC and Layne on the road and give a show that is hauntingly real? Hit us up here and we'll contact you immediately!!
Sounds Like: Alice in Chains
Record Label: columbia
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


WE Have been barraged by clubs, booking agents and just plain Alice/ Layne freaks!Well ,the dates are coming in BIGTIME!!Only thing is, as we put on electric versions it's gonna get crazier! Call your...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 22:20:00 GMT

Help put together the SLUDGE SET!

We're looking for all the true Alice heads help us put together our set list. Let us know what you'd like to hear in the SLUDGE SET? So many great songs to choose from! Have at it!Bonus MAD SEASON wil...
Posted by on Tue, 29 May 2007 21:00:00 GMT