Steve's Noosh. <3 profile picture

Steve's Noosh. <3

I'll get this for you, I promise.

About Me

My Profile Is Best Viewed In Mozilla, If You Don't Have It, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? It's Immense!
My life's going great right now.
What's the point of complicating it with Myspace?
Myspace is a popularity contest and a confidence booster.
Everyone's "beautiful" and "amazing"
Luckily, I've found the people in my life who actually mean what they say.
They're the important ones.
Nothing is original anymore on this thing.
As soon as someone as a unique idea or saying, you'll find little girls who think they're "SO COOL", using it.
Pisses me off.
Last point - people use "I Love You" too casually, so when it's said and meant, the novelty isn't there. STOP IT!
That is all. X
P.S My Profile Song ---Lunchtimes with the girls.
P.P.S I love holidays like this that you look back on and get the best feeling.
Watch this video, imagine me and hanna dancing like this down the sidewalks and road crossings of New York.
Yes, I realise I find it hard to tell the difference between my lefts and my rights.

My Interests

Say Shorty, Will You Be Mine?
Comments Please.

Memories Please.
I Like How I Have Too Many Pictures.

10 years now.
She means the most to me.
Best Friends For Life.
We are better than all of you thanks. =).

Steve ♥
He makes me feel amazing.
I can't even begin to describe.
I love every second with him.
We have something wonderful.
It's been 5 months, and he still gives me butterflies. =)
I love him
My Little Brother.
Basically, because he always makes me laugh.
I love him more than anyone.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who'll say this to me.
"What good is it to tell you you are in my every thought from the time i wake?
What good can come from my saying I sometimes can not think clearly or do my work properly?
What gain can rise of my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when i think of you in harm?
That's why i'm here.
I fear for your safety above all others."

I've Found Him.


Best cousin ever!
I always have so much fun when i go up to see him.
He's like my older brother.
I Love Him.

Ally Chai
Because I know i can ALWAYS count on her, more than others.
She's beautiful.
I Love You XXX
Josh B
Even after dropping two full glasses of drink on the floor at his house at 11 at night, he still is lovely to me.
AND PLUS, he gives me money during poker, and cheats with me, FOUR OF A KIND ACES!
But mostly, George Mac.
Cos we spend tutor times listening to each others iPod's.
I share so much with him, and really don't want him to leave PGS.
Love You George. XX