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I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

I'm Fabulous... I love to chill out at home curled up on my big comfy bed watching TV or playing video games. I also love to go out and do things with friends so if you can think of something fun to do then I'll be your friend lol... Otherwise you will just find me hanging with my friends in the city or at home we dedicate one saturday a month to GAME NIGHT. I'm also a huge sci-fi geek and a electronics fanatic my room is decked to the nines for an amazing Movie, TV and Video game experience. Yes boys and girls that is correct I am a COMPLETE DORK!!! WOOHOOO Oh and P.S. I love NERDS!!!! :D ....

Myspace Layouts at / Purple haze - Image Hosting

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people and experiencing new things... so if your cool then wow me with your bright ideas and we'll figure out the rest from there. The boring and lifeless need not apply.

My Blog

XBOX 360 Live --- Playing like the boys as a :::gasp:::: girl

Ok I could not resist this entry seeing as an awesome wave of 1st and 3rd person shooters flowed onto the market this month for gaming systems like Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 i.e Gears of war 2, Call ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 18:00:00 GMT

WEIGHT DISCRIMINATION a forgotten issue!!!!

Ok I have to say DUH!! to the below article because I'm Big girl who is fabulous and a complete sex addict so I know that I get sex and lots of it.... And most of the big girls I know g...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 21:08:00 GMT

Inconsiderate A$$holes

Here is a story for everyone to enjoy... Tonight was my best friend Addy's birthday party. His birthday was a few days ago. Everyone who knows me and Addy knows we are VERY close. We drive each o...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:45:00 GMT


Well My July 4th Celebration started off early....On July 2nd I got a call late at night that my best friend Linda who lives in PA was in Flushing. She was leaving the next day on an airplane to go to...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:28:00 GMT

R.I.P. Uncle Tommy

Well it's January 12th 2008 and I have already experienced another death. My Uncle Tommy was like a big brother to me growing up. Always looking out for me, giving me things and such. He had a lot o...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 15:40:00 GMT

RELATIONSHIPS!!!! - stolen from Anthony!!!!

Let's talk about relationships. In a parallel universe where it's all about me, my perfect companion would do everything (cooking, cleaning, car maintenance, yard work, shopping, etc.,) would genuinel...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 18:24:00 GMT

The Diary of my HAIR

Everyone who knows me knows that I am pretty much defined by my hair and a few months ago I had a rude awakening.... I had a patient who had breast cancer, had just started going for Chemo and was pre...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 00:24:00 GMT


WOOHOOO it is EXACTLY a YEAR since I stopped smoking. I ROCK!!! :D
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:14:00 GMT

Quit Smoking Update 2

Well it's been 10 Months and still smoke free... That is all!!! :D Next post will be if I make it to the 1 Year!!!! :D
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 15:22:00 GMT

R.I.P. Great Uncle John

    My Great Uncle John Passed away May 25th 2007, I got the call from my Cousin Amanda late at night and I knew instantly when I heard the tears in her voice that someone was hurt or g...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 15:06:00 GMT