$ D@NT'E $ a.k.a. Donkey Kong profile picture

$ D@NT'E $ a.k.a. Donkey Kong

Whatchu kno bout me??

About Me

YOU(daisy hack)
hey was going on dis is ur girl daisy n hacken my boys page what can i say bout dante well let me start with his looks his hella good looken n shit his cute n stuff n his one of dos guys dat will make u feel better and awsome me n him go 2 school 2gether n his one of my homeboys dat ill always have his back no matter what if he needs help he could always let me know so dat im clear everybody dats out htere reading dis just so u know dont fuck with him cuz if u do ill fuck wit u ight im out of here duces 0M@r H@ck ey wats up da homie omar here hacken my homie dante. wat can i say bout this guy here....well he is fucken funny ass hell! he's hella tight nd he's hella smart. i just met him this year but he's a good homie. he's a cool person to be around just get to know him. but dont ever get on his bad side cuz im pretty sure he'll fuck someone up hahaha strong dude i swear... well thers more to say but its to much to type haha well ill see you later dante pz
WheRe do I sTaRt?? I"vE bEen kNoWin Him siNCe tHe 7Th GraDe LEt Me teLL yU I LOve EveRytHinG hE Be GiVIn Me ♥ I La LOve His DrAWin Skills; &I gOt Me sOmE maDd CoL0Rin sKiLLs lOl He"s HoNEstLy OnE oF tHe NiCESt gUys yU cOuLD EveR kNo I dOnt TaLk tO HiM mUCh &+tHE FaCT wE hAvE nO CLaSs"s 2GeTHeR BUt wHen wE dO caTcH Up hE"s sO EasY tO taLK tO &We bE LiK LiL Dee-Dee-Dee cHiLds mE cRaCkin JOKes & Us ShARin LAuGhs :D goOD TiMEs; I GAve HiM hiS NiCkNAme sTuD MuFFin tHis DuDe aLwAys FiTTin iN tO tHe CONVErSATiOn His WOrKOuT pLaNs.iM A StaRT CaLLin Him Dj*D cAuSe HiS eARpHONes iS ALwAYs iN HiS HeAD lOl iT"s SuMtHin We hAvE iN cOMMon tHoUGh i tHInK We DEfinETeLy sUM MUsiC-FEiNd"s &We knO iT tHats wHy I GeT HOokeD Up WiTh NeW cD's DaNte sTyLe AnyWAys sTAy iN tOuCH iM aLwAYs hERe FOr aNytHinG &I knO yU WoULd bE hERE FOr mE iF I eVER nEeDed AnYThInG ♥ ERiKa(Gazelle) ok ppl he is the only one that can call me Gizzle ;) lol Dante is AWESOME I've known this dude since 7th grade... well I knew pretty much everyone anyway, hes always been the shy type, but he is hella gangster and is always there when you need him. We got to know each other better freshman year(I messed with him alot). Even though we dont have any classes with each other anymore we still talk. I swear guys dont get any better then him! he always has some advise and can always help you back up on your feet ;)Heaven When faced with tough decisions, you're selfless and kind. Yeah, sometimes you have a weak moment or two - who doesn't! But your good deeds outweigh your bad ones. When the time comes, you're sure to be fitted for your very own pair of Angel wings... "; .. ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

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My Blog

My life

Life,,,,wow. Im lovin life ryte now Imma take u back in tha past when i had my first girlfriend who was keydra but we moved tha next day so i never had tha chance to spend time wit her. I was young,,...
Posted by $ D@NT'E $ a.k.a. Donkey Kong on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST