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MySpace Codes It's really difficult to describe me because I'm still not so sure but I am coming to realizing the illusions of lfe. Things don't appear as they are. I can say that I desire to experience reality in it's true state, natural, original and perfect state, reality beyond the dreams, fantasies, thoughts, neurosis, depression and ideologies...all of the creations of the mind...obstructions of the true experience of reality. So I begin by investigating within, looking towards the mind, looking in a clear and objective manner, in order to observe how we construct our realities through our thoughts. I then attempt to scientifically investigate experience by stripping from it the mental constructions of the thinking mind. This brings one to realization and truth, that the thinking mind limits experience, obstructs experience. The longing to experience a union with the divine occurs, to become larger than what our minds define us as. I am no longer observing the world through who I am, the conceptually constructed self, but I am the world. The thoughts then dissolve, the mind becomes still and quiet. Experience is stripped of the self, of the obstructions to experience and the mind awakens to the original state of reality. This is the freedom I long for, the mind relaxing, and settling into reality as it actually is, the vast sea from where the infinite variety in the world around us appear. I desire not be led by my thinking mind yet to be at this original state of the experience the infinite source, beyond shape and color, definition or ideology. to experience the free and formless state. The individual experiences an openness, and a lucid awareness, and, where all divisions created by the thinking dissolve and one is left with an immense feeling of happiness and peace. This is the experience of life beyond suffering. To relax is part of this feel the infinite universe within oneself is also part of the magic. I desire to perfect my mind and quiet my thinking mind. This allows one's awareness to grows...clarity grows and the brilliance of the world outside is awoken to. When this happens I've heard thing great things happen, things beyond the sole existence of the individual and his or her thoughts. The human being is more than merely one's thoughts and when this realization occurs the journey begins. I attempt to apply the practice of meditation in my life, when I am sitting or active. Spiritualities around the world have described meditation in many ways. Most describe it as distinguishing thought from a quiet, lucid clarity. It is from the mind resting and quiet that an entire world opens up. One peels the mind of all thoughts, preconceptions, ideology and judgments, as mentioned above, and the mind awakens, from it's daily slumber into a world of color, beauty and sharp clarity, not defined or limited to any single notion or conception of reality. Meditation itself involves, as stated above, distinguishing between thought and this present awareness, this lucid clarity, which experiences all without any obstruction, life in its full glory. When you can distinguish thought from reality beyond thought you are meditating. One must cut through the clinging to the thinking mind...let go through the realization of experience beyond thought. This sort of meditation can be done in many ways, for example, the repetition of mantras or the deliberate or the continued utterance of prayers, or focusing on breathing...all aid in severing the clinging to the drama of the thinking mind and allow the mind to rest in a present awareness or wakefulness. The mind is being distracted form the original and perfect state of reality. Cessation of the thought process allows for the natural experience of reality to occur. So this is what I do.I love the struggle for justice and peace of the oppressed of this planet. I love the fight against the tyranny of the Empire and I admire those who fight it. I love to learn and to study and the people who teach me.I strongly believe in the power and magic of spirituality. One can aid one's self in the recovery of any type of difficulty one is experiencing, whether it is internal or external, through the use of spiritual practices found all over the world. The Western world is lacking in this method of healing and in the power of dealing with illness through spirituality. Rather we take medications and rely on these medications to cure so called "chemical imbalances" of the brain. One is born with everything one needs to go beyond any obstacles in life and to reach the greatest heights. We are here to experience a permanent state of happiness, joy and love. What we need is someone to point these tools out to us, which we all have within.
Re-Killing them softly with words
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