..One day Cody and Jack were just sittin around at lunch and Cody said "wanna start a band?" and thats where it all started. They went over to jacks house and wrote the first song (Decaying Heartache). They decided to find another guitar player so Jack called matt. Jack were in a band called faded lable. T-rev just showed up but its a good thing because hes the best bass player ive ever meet. Then we meet a kid named khris bordeaux that had the scream of thunder and we thought hey theres our back up vocals and hey he can play bass too thats a plus so now t-rev plays guitar and after going throught two drummers we finally got the final peice of silence no more jon russel and now we make bad ass music and put on bad ass shows.Then Later on K-Bord got kicked out for some reson i cant think of right now...then we got cody’s vbrother chris to fill in for us when we played our new years eve was pretty cool.....then after awhile we were looking and looking for another bass player but nobody came to the one day T-rev an Jack Were sittin in biology an they were thinkin we need to play more shows....then t-rev said Dude we gotta find a bass player so we just started naming people an one of the first people that came to there minds was nate W. .....(i cant spell his last name so im not ganna try)..anyway..he’s badass now we’re practicing an teaching him our songs..hes getting better an better each time we we are working on getting more shows..
Check out or Sweet T-Shirts! Only $10.00 at one of our Shows!
We will also be Releasing our demo with 5 songs on it soon!