!?!?!? SiN-CeEr-LeE'S bLuRb'S fRoM ThE BuRb'S !?!?!?**** DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY.......we can be surrounded by people and still feel completely alone?????*******ChiLdrEn aRe OUr fUturE ""Handle with care""********I try to do what's right**but I make plenty mistakes...perfection is NOT my goal*** ****Forgiveness is more than an act it's a form of ART*******FEED THE POOR*******HOUSE THE HOMELESS*****MONEY WILL NEVER BUY HAPPINESS& it doesn't give refunds*******sometimes it's "not" blood BUT love that is thicker than water******MILLIONS DIE EVERYDAY SO **BETSY SUE can have the perfect diamond(((BLOOD DIAMONDS KILL & much much more)))*******THE GRASS IS NEVER GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE "WE ONLY THINK IT IS.........until we step in poopy********YES ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE THE WORLD(so speak up!!)you just might change if not the world; at least yourself******loneliness is not just a state of mind..it's a state I can't seem to move out of!!!!*********absolutely nothing lasts forever(as much as hate it's true) .......I Promise..xoxoxo(well maybe this pain in my heart which jumps to my head now and then,)!!!!*********Commit Random ACTS of kindneSS ReQUIRed!!!!*****div align="center">
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