MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well man I jus got out of a horrible relaionship and all I can say is that I'm tired of this little girl shit you know I need a girl who is on her grown woman shit I can't be babysitting little girls I'm just tired of it so if you know u on your grown woman shit then holla back at cha boy Swagga

My Interests

500 questions about you
first name: michael
middle name: anthony
nickname: mike or m-dizzy
age: 15
age you wish you were: 17
age you act: 19
birthdate: 11-08-91
birthplace: D.C.
current location: Atl
body build: athletic
current height: 5'6 or 5'7
current weight: 140 sumthin
what hospital were you born at: Walter Reid Army Hospital
what time were you born: i dunno nigga
star sign: scorpia
how much did you weigh when you were born: 20 sumthin
how tall were you when you were born: i dunno
do you get along with your family?: yea everyone cept my moms
any siblings?: yea
pets?: no
how many?: wat how many balls i got
what kind?: wat kind of taste doesmy dick have
how many of each?: how many long hairs compared to small hair
are you happy with who you are?: yea
smoke: naw
do drugs: naw
cry often: naw
read the newspaper: naw
go to church: heck yea i love jesus
pray: yea
take walks in the rain: hell naw i aint wit gettin sick
sing in the shower: naw
like school: hell naw wat da fuck i look like if i like school. i hate dat bitch i fuck her every chance i get
want kids: yea
if yes, how many: 3 or 4
take long showers: yea
love yourself for who you are: yea
play sports: naw
if yes, which ones: look u ignorant asshole i said no
sleep alot: naw moms wont let me
like to sing: yea
like animals: u mean like how white people like dey animals wen dey be kissin and fuckin dey shit no
like to play with fire: hell yea dude
fave eye color: hazel
favorite hair color: brown
height: 5'2-5'4
weight: 100-130 or more if shee look gud so really it doesnt matter i fuck all gurls
piercings??: just not on her pussy cant get my dick stuck there
if yes, where: on her ears
how many?: i dont care nigga
tattoos?: yea on da crack of her ass j/k
if yes where?: nowhere it was a joke
how many?: no comment
skinny...muscular...fat: doesnt matter
hot or cute: hot
looks or personality: personality
first thing you notice: ass then tits then personality
coke or pepsi: both
bikini or one piece: bikini show more so of course bikini
swim trunks or speedos?: yea id rock speedos
love or money: money can buy sum love but id take da love
pop or water: water im tryna get sum abs
dogs or cats: dogs cats fuck around too much
aeropostale or american eagle: i dont care
aeropostale or hollister: i really dont care wat am i white
hollister or american eagle: ^
abercrombie or hollister: ^
american eagle or abercrombie: ^
night or day: night
sun or rain: sun
croutons or bacon bits: both
ford or chevy: both as long as i got a car
john deere or case: wat
boxers or briefs: both out together to make briefboxers
blondes or brunettes: both as long as we fuckin
arabians or quarter horses: wat
green grapes or purple grapes: dont matter im hungry
beautiful or gorgeous: gorgeos is sumthin for older people beautiful is wat i like
heck yeah or hell yeah: hell yeah dude
hot tea or ice tea: no tea
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
hugs ot kisses: kisses
goldstar or skyline: wat
quiznos or subway: i dont care im still hungry
summer or winter: summer......... i fuck more gurls
wine or beer: wine u already noe i got my apple cider on deck lol
tequila or whiskey: i dont drink i think i told u dat.......... man u such a fuckin bitch damn i hate repeatin my self
bacardi or smirnoff: ^
taco bell or mcdonalds: both im hungry
perkins or bob evans: dick sucker
dominos or papa johns: papa
pizza hut or larosas: pizza hut
cried in school: yea
gone skinny dipping: waitin to dat wit sum gurl
been drunk: naw
smoked: naw
cried on someone's shoulder: i dont remeber
had someone cry on your shoulder: yea
been kissed: yea
cried during a movie: almost durin titanic dat shit is nice
if yes, what movie: i just said titanic ho
seen something being born: hell no i never wanna c dat
if yes, what: nuthin nigga
kissed someone in the rain: naw i dont wanna get sick
been in love: ye
had a medical emergency: i dont remeber
had surgery: yea
spent the night in a psych ward: not yet
played strip poke: waitin
played strip poker and lost?: naw i wouldnt lose on accident
been picked on: yea
slept outdoors: yea
been on stage: yea
been to camp: naw
talked to someone all night long on the phone: i dont remember
thought that you were going crazy: yea
been betrayed: idk
had a dream that came true: yea
been on the radio: naw
had a recurring dream: yea
had a recurring nightmare: yea
loved someone so much that it made you cry: yea almost i dont cry ne more
been in a car accident: yea
been in a car accident on your birthday: no wat da fuck
toilet papered someone's house: waitin
egged someone's house: waitin to do dat to
paintballed a cop car: naw
had your heart broken: yea
been dumped: yea lots of times
dumped someone: twice and i loved those gurls
gone out with someone because you felt sorry for them: yea once
danced in the rain: naw
are you a romantic: yea i can be
what is your view on love: it is sumethin that everyone can find
who was your first kiss: latoya
biggest turn on: ass
biggest turn off: nasty lookin pussy
what is important for you in a relationship: i dont noe if i say wat ima bout to say my gurl gonna get mad
do you have to know someone before you date them: yea
what is the best thing about the opposite sex: ass
what is the best worst thing about the opposite sex: they tempt da hell out of me but don wanna fuck
school: a
prayer in school: 4
abortion: a
straight marriages: 4
gay marriages: a
kids: 4
adoption: 4
the war in iraq: a
gay rights: a
marijuana being legal: a
sex before marriage: 4 and a
illegal downloading: 4
eggplant: a
long distance relationships: a
democrats: 4
democracy: 4
nuns: 4
monarchies: a
anarchists: idk
dictatorships: idk
online dating: a
hitler: a
god: definitly 4
interracial marriages: 4
interracial relationships: 4
single parenthood: a
food: im jus hungry soit dont matter as long as i got food
restaurant: ^
drink: sprite
store: idk
color: blue
shoe brand: dont matter as long as i got sumthin to wear
clothing brand: ^
animal: dog
guys name: michael
2nd fave: anthony
3rd fave: look im not gay
girls name: trinity
2nd fave: angel
3rd fave: melody
day of the week: everyday
sport: football
sport to watch: its borin to watch but exciting to play
flower: none
ice cream: vanilla
band: chapel hill middle and///// Southwest dekalb
scnet: WHAT
song: i dunno
quote: beep beep beep beep beep bitch get off my nuts
candy: all
season: summer
car: dont matter as long as i got one
state: GEORGIA
country: USA
you hugged: i dunno
you kissed: regina
you talked to: my lil bro
that made you laugh: i dunno
you yelled at: my mom
that made you cry: my mom years ago
that you said i love you to: my dad i think
you hit: my bro
that brightened your day: no one can do it but GOD
you thought about: God
you saw: my bro
miracles: yes
santa: no
the easter bunny: no
the tooth faerie: no
elves: no
magic: no
witches: yes
love at first sight: yes
reincarnation: no
karma: O YES
yin/yang: yes
heaven/hell: YES and im goin to heaven
satan: yes
angels: yes
demons: yes
do you live in the moment: I try to live for today but my mind is so far ahead
do you have secrets: Yes Nasty ones bad ones all kinds
are you tolerant? patient?: yes i can be
are you a daredevil?: o yea
deepest fears?: non right now
are you gutsy?: yea
strengths?: God
weaknesses?: God and gurls
confident?: yes i am
any regrets?: yes lots
are you passive or aggressive?: im both
what shape is your heart currently in?: gud if im here
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I'll listen to anything


I'll watch almost anything


I watch everything you know I have to be cultural


I'll read anything intresting


I don't believe in heros because they are just in your imagination

My Blog

uck life

I'm tired of living the way I am the life of no love Always alone and so depressed Never actually happy Always saying I'm so strong but actually breaking down more and more everyday My Body is gett...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:36:00 PST


Ears have not heard what my eyes have seen Feels like no has felt the pain in this body Looks like everyone walks around with that S on they chest They always look so happy while I feel so...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:29:00 PST

i can't believe she said dat

My mom and I jus got into an argument she said my generation is weak i said no were not were smarter and stronger she said no were are weaker and less smart so then she said look at how many suicides ...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:00:00 PST

Poem 5

I grew up never knowin wat a mother is she always puttin me down callin me shit well wat if i commited suicide or maybe slit your throat and watch u die i grew up by myself i had to raise myself no...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 02:37:00 PST

i dont noe

i jus feel as maybe there is sumethin im doin wrong i wanna do more i wanna show u how much i love u i dont even noe if i love u im so confused i jus wish all da pain could go away so i can ...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:21:00 PST

Poem 3

They say you should love the one who gave birth well I say fuck her I hate her and I'm sa to say I never thought I could hate someone this way I wish that I didn't feel this way but that's what ha...
Posted by MY SwAgGa IS SO ExCluSiVe on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 03:07:00 PST