Julie la Rousse
1979. Née, vit et travaille à Paris. Compositrice, improvisatrice.
Autodidacte /Collectionneuse des sons trouvés à terre dans la rue ou dans le monde /
des matières premières /
sources infinies de rythmes et de couleurs /
démarche spontanée et chaotique /
Composition et improvisation de substances sonores /
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Born, lives and works in Paris.
Composer, improviser.
Self-taught sound artist, it is in theatre she made her first steps as a noise composer in Montreal. Collector of sounds she finds in the streets of the world, this raw material is for her an infinite source of rhythms and colours, which she shapes with real time sound treatment software – real time being the essential element of her spontaneous and chaotic approach.
Her main idea is to regain an organic feeling in music by means of electronic devices and improvisational acts. She has developed her very own resonant and poetic universe, with a marked taste for abstract narration, turbulence of details and inextricable disorder of life.
She has been a member of various duos, trios, and improvisation collectives - from Montreal to Paris - Komsomolsk, Radioantartica, and many other sporadic events… She played with renowned sound artists such as Alexandre Saint-Onge, Martin Tétrault, Diane Labrosse, Alexis O’Hara, Crys Cole and Arnaud Rivière.
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .