boating and all watersports surfing or at least attempting Church and youth group Xbox
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,Greenday, Chariot, Norma Jean, Emery, Chevelle, Dead Poetic, He is Legend, Seether, Shinedown, Living Sacrafice, The Killers, Faith Collapsing, Relient K, Blindside, Hillsong, Detour, The Misconception, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Keith Urban, Rascal Flats, Lean Whomack.
Roald Dahl, Mel Gibson, Jim Carrey, Bill Gates (in case i might need cash$$), Billy Graham
Greenday, Chariot, Norma Jean, Emery, Chevelle, Underoath, Dead Poetic, He is Legend, Seether, Shinedown, The Killers, Faith Collapsing, Relient K, Blindside, Hillsong, Detour, The Misconception, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Keith Urban, Rascal Flats, Lean Whomack and most of all the rock and country and Gospel you can think of.
My favorite is Gone in 60 seconds. I like action movies, but a little commedy is good too!
is overrated unless it is King of the Hill or Whos line is it Any Way???
Dont read unless i got to.
Books I read through out my school years:
Night by Ellie Wiesel
Sidhartha by Hermann Hesse
Dante's Inferno canto's I III VI and XXXIV.
My hero is my Grandfater. He is a strong Christian and a vetran of WWII. He is the survivor of a belly landing with no controlls in Italy. he was the tail gunman. His best quality that i strive to seek is his strong Christian Morals. These are a very obvious aspect of his stregnth. He is every thing i want to be and that is what makes him my hero!