@cice profile picture


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Partecipate al contest indetto da BandPlace e vincete il Meet&Greet con gli All Time Low in occasione dell’IDay che si terrà il 4 Settembre 2010! Andate su www.bandplace.it e scoprite come fare!

Alice. Eighteen. Venice.
I’m a sunny girl, an irrecoverable dreamer, shy but friendly. I love my town but I don’t really like Italy. I went to London 2 times and left my heart there. It’s the city where I wanna live. I’m completely addicted to shopping and coffee, that’s why I love Starbucks so much ♥ I sing, I totally love singing. When I was a kid I always said: “I wanna be a singer!”. Now, I don’t really wanna become a singer, I just want to sing cause it relax me and makes me feel good. Music is all I need; I love music like a friend. My favourite band is BOYSLIKEGIRLS, ya know? They make me feel better, always and that’s only one of the million reason that makes me love them. Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts? That’s how I love them. Maybe you’re gonna hate me cause I always talk about them, but I don’t mind (: I love snow, it makes me the happiest person in the world. When it snow I act like a kid, jumping up and down with no reasons LMAO I love movies, I’m currently obsessed with Fight Club and Pride and Prejudice. I love my friends to death, they mean everything to me. That’s enough, go out, have fun and laugh so hard it makes you cry :D that's what I always do shhh
More info @cice asd.

PS even If I don't stay here a lot, MySpace'll be always the best.

My Blog

All Time Low in Italia!

Partecipate al contest indetto da BandPlace e vincete il Meet&Greet con gli All Time Low in occasione del loro concerto di Milano il 14 Febbraio 2010! Andate su www.bandplace.it e scoprite come fare! 
Posted by on Sun, 17 Jan 2010 09:11:00 GMT

killing me softly with his song.

E' incredibile come questo maledetto CD si sia insinuato nella mia mente e non ne voglia uscire. E' incredibile come mi faccia male pensare che sono così lontani, che probabilmente dovrò passare un'al...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 07:07:00 GMT

I'll see you again.

When the moon is gone forever, I hope you're up there somewhere&Pensavo e lui era li, al mio fianco. Forse la situazione doveva imbarazzarmi, ma mi sentivo tremendamente a mio agio. Accoccolata sulla ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 02:37:00 GMT

12.01.08 <3

12.01.08. Si parliamo di questo giorno. Di solito no, non parlo dei giorni per me importanti. Una volta scrivevo quasi tutto quello che mi accadeva ma da un po' di tempo a questa parte ho cominciato a...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:25:00 GMT