Back in June 2007 amidst a rather bizarre sequence of events, four young musicians, who were separately attending the party of a mutual friend, took part in a jamming session. In true form, and with nothing other than their musical interests to build upon, singer Mike Wall, guitarist Adam Webb, bassist Jon Couch and drummer Cy Martyn decided that their initial musical introduction to each other had been somewhat short-lived. After substantial amounts of alcohol during a six hour jam, Glass Asylum was spawned.
Having all been in various bands from early ages, most of which consisting of young muso’s all pulling in opposite directions, they sensed that something felt different between them and were keen to discover exactly what had changed. When a group of people meet on even ground, all with similar ambitions to each other, you end up with a catalyst which promotes productivity with minimal stress and discomfort. This ethos would prove to be one of the most valued and accurate ways in which to describe the Glass Asylum machine which to this very day, preys upon visions of melody within music using hooks, riffs and well formed textures to deliver a pretty lucrative end product which is held close to the heart of each band member, and of course, the fans who salute the band and their groove wherever it takes them.
Their official debut gig happened in August 07 at Liverpool’s Zanzibar Club much to the enjoyment of the band, who were all well aware of the Club and its potential for a great live atmosphere. For Mike it proved to be a short, yet sweet stay at the forefront of the band, and that September he left for Uni. Seeing much potential within the songs the rest of the band decided to audition for a new front-man as well as an additional guitarist. After four months they had found their men, or at least they thought they had! Enter Dan Riley...
Never one to take things to heart, Dan had been drafted in as an additional guitarist after auditioning for the role as front-man. With his iron will and passion towards the band it wasn’t long before he was right where he belonged, and with 3 years experience fronting his own band Mensch, it wasn’t long before the cobwebs from his somewhat short-lived predecessor were no more. Since taking over the mic, Dan has commanded every stage he's performed on, and the musical war-machine that is Glass Asylum continues to role onward wherever people want to hear loud noises and pulsating rhythms.