I was born less privileged than most but very merry. Life began in a factory in China where children molded and painted me against their will. I did not know then that I was magical. Then, once transported to France and sold to a quaint but bald and rather OCD naitive I began to pick up on the language and befriend the plastic fawns and prairy life that surrounded me. We even had a castle.It was quite cozy and we were well tended after. During the day I remained motionless and was worshipped from afar. But once the dark and starry nights approached I had to escape the garden. The fawns got old pretty fast.Anyhow, I found that I had a love for traveling once I was kidnapped by my master's daughter. Though she was lovely I remember the uncertainty and fear of that moment that all experience when uprooted for the first time.I saw the world...I built rainbows and danced with munchkins. I ate gumdrops and rode on the backs of unicorns and fought warlocks...and I fell in love...and then I came home. Because the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
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