Eric profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 23 years old and I feel like I have finally found my way. I have a very good network of friends that have been really good to me and I owe them everything for being there for me during some challenging experiences (you know who you are!!). I am single and currently living abroad. I am in the Navy and a fire fighter in the civilian world. I will be getting out of the Haze Grey Life Accelerater at the end of 2008 and making the wonderful Chicagoland are my home. I will finally be able to return to my career and move on. I enjoy a lot of activities, especially if it involves an adreniline rush. Still haven't gone sky diving, damn it! However, Photography and Videography are a particular favorite hobby of mine as of late. I also enjoy educated conversation even though many of the people I converse with think on levels far beyond my comprehension. I am a really open minded person and even if I don't like what you have to say, I will at least hear you out first. Also, I have recently found a new type of place to have fun at ..... . I go to dives and any other kind of entertainment establishment around but this place has been the most fun I have ever had in a club. Just the right blend of everything for me. Well, that's me in a nut shell. Talk to me anytime if I caught an interest of yours and have a great safe day!

My Interests

Fire Fighting, Reading, and Games...all types of games.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to talk. Who's been here today....

Create your own visitor map!


You name it and I listen to it. (still true)


LOTR, Road to Perdition, Towering Inferno, Ladder 49, Star Wars, The Patriot, All Quiet on the Western Front, Dr Strangelove.


Don't watch a lot of television. Who's Line, Third Watch, Law and Order, and the History Channel.


Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, All Quiet on the Western Front, Dragonlance Series, 2001: Space Odyssey, First In Last Out...wide range of interests.


Fred Ghallagher(FDNY), Ray Downey(FDNY), and any one else who takes life head on!

My Blog

The Greater Good

When you here "The Greater Good", what do you think of?  Is it the needs of your town, county, country or even the human race that you think of or do you even believe in anything outside of your ...
Posted by Eric on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 01:46:00 PST

Practical Vs. Proper

I seem to be spending more time doing what I must instead of what I want but, alas, such is life! On to the subject at hand..... I am growing quite tired of working with and being around people t...
Posted by Eric on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST