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About Me

I make all sorts of grand plans for myself but so far have followed through with very few of them. I am in danger of becoming hopelessly and ineffectually stalled, though a recent burst of vacation-fueled energy may turn me into Born-Again Gina. I love to eat. Particularly that which is not healthy. I love to travel. Recently have discovered the joy of diving (Scuba, not muff...) I can't read library books any more because it incites a panic attack for me to think about the years of skin oil, Cheeto dust, and excrement that have been absorbed in those porous pages. Not to mention the smudged cloudy "dust jacket." I constantly worry that people are thinking horrible things about me and I hope I'm not too accurate (High RS-measure, for all you psych degrees). Have opened more bottles of wine that I have drunk, which is a ratio in gross need of alteration. Like my food under-cooked: rare meat, raw fish, soggy fries, doughy bread. I don't believe in wearing diamonds or paying for parking. Love Howard Stern and have taken more than my fair share of abuse for it from all you too-serious people. Sour candy makes me break out in a horrible sweat. I am a big fan of savings, particularly in the form of "Club," "Preferred," or "Frequent Buyer" cards. I find it difficult to watch an entire movie in one sitting because I don't like being still. I wear flip flops in my own shower always because of my OCD. I love to read most books and often fall asleep amid piles of them. I am obsessed with NY Times Sunday Crossword Puzzles. I feel ridiculous when I dance, am forced to use the word "y'all," hear my own voice after recording, and clap. Clapping is for seals and, for humans, it is just plain strange. I have an awful recurring nightmare in which I lose all my teeth. I believe that I am the only person in the US who can merge correctly. I think i have above-average intelligence but below-average kindness, friendliness, and people skills. Aloud, I only refer to babies as "squishes." It is more approriate, I think. I've never been in a fist fight and actually consider myself less interesting because of this. Don't have much patience for people who move or think slowly. I confess I read the obituaries to see if a young person has died that day. I hate the new incursion of mint into everything such as springrolls, salad, and the dreaded mojito. I never carry a purse, probably never will. I consider the poncho the fat girls' best friend and will never wear one, unless I'm in the Andes, maybe. Got so bored during Lord of the Rings movie that I went to the bathroom 6 times. Ditto Good Will Hunting, In the Bedroom, Jerry MacGuire. I enjoy looking at graphic forensic pathology still shots, inventing elaborate fantasies of becoming a life-altering published novelist, and studying maps.

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