The primary purpose of the ministry of Exodus Center is to win souls and to teahc the uncomprimised word of God, as well as proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to everry creature. The vision given to this great church is one focused on relaioring the seams of a community and world destined for destruction. Our primary function is deliverance through the power of the Holy Ghost and the love of Jesus Christ. We hold the Bible as opur final authority.
This minsistry's vision is simply to reach the lost and teach the found. We are called repairers of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. We exemplify the very essecnce of the message and goal of Christ, to compell man from a dyin world to a loving savior. Our primary function is kingdom building on kingdom principles. We are not bound by denominational barriers, thus eliminating the walls that would hold us from fellowship with our other christian family.
This church is called to equip and help bring maturity to the children of God. We are not organized top merely distribute fish to the people, but to each men and women to become fishers of men. We are called to disciple men and women and have them disciple others. We are here to develop God given gifts, talents, and more important Ministries. This is the ministry of EXODUS CENTER, where you're bound for deliverance.
My Blog
Where's the power!
Why don't I have any power!
And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneel... Posted by on Wed, 16 May 2007 16:06:00 GMT