The Green Cosmos project was created in 2004 by Arius(23) and Snipex(21) from Hungary. Both of them dedicated to psytrance music they intended to make powerfull and melodyc fullon that rock the dancefloor anywhere.
Soon after the formation they started to play on partyes and since they had a great succes invitation came after invitation. By now they have become one of the most leading artist and live act in hungary with dozens of partyes behind them, and played along with artist like Future Prophecy, Oforia, Electric Universe, Sirius Isness, Goasia, Psyboroginal and so on. They now focus on makeing fullon music combining from all styles from psaytrance into an energetic, melodic mind twisting music that no other artist produces.Feel free to contact us if you like.E-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected] /
[email protected]
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