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A Little History of The Sweat Shop
Of the 3 studios that Cold Sweat-Chicago had, the smaller of them, "Sweat Shop I" was my favorite. The walls of the 900 Sq Ft studio were totally covered with murals from its previous occupants. These were quite the works of art. One could almost not leave the place they were so beautiful. Late at night after a good night of playing while drinking beers about all you could do was stare at them. Mainly on Latin themes they had such details as little sparkles of metallic in the eyes which could only be seen with the right kind of lighting. While we did not add to the murals, we completed the place by adding the ability to not only see incredible things but to hear them as well with good acoustics for live sound and relax on the couches or have a beer at the custom bar proclaiming it as the Cold Sweat place! This studio is in use today by a local band "The Jagz" who love the place as we did.
"Sweat Shop II" was the all around prize at 1500 Sq Ft. With sound that surpassed "Sweat Shop I" and a bar that was even more incredible as well as the house stereo with Cerwin-Vega Mains and subwoofer. The place literally rocked 20 hours a day and most all of the block long sized building knew where it was coming from! There were not many days that there were not artists and bands hanging around having a beer and playing.
"Sweat Shop III" with its black matte walls, extensive effect lighting and all of the sound that "Sweat Shop II" had was my least favorite. The bar was bigger and better, the sound better, the space was at 3200 Sq. Ft. complete with a vocal booth room in one office, my personal office as well as the stage area with quite a riser for the drummer just never made it into my heart. It was capable of holding 300 people and was capable of doing quite a recording either live or in the booth. For the reason of it never seeming like Sweat Shop II, I retired the studio as well as my old self from work. In August of 2007 I closed the place down. The music will always be in my heart and head but it was time to go.
Larry ( Voodoo)
by Judgement Day, Cold Sweat-Chicago's alter ego
Recorded Live at: (Jan, 2004 Non-Mastered Version)
"The Sweat Shop Studio II"
Chicago, IL.
Larry Rob Carlos
Judgement Day was: Larry Overton, Carlos Gonzalez and Rob Rodgers
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A Short video of Sweat Shop III before it was finished with "Superman" for audio background.
Sweat Shop III
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