i like these things: rock climbing. playing basketball. reading the onion. eating indian food. listening to howard stern and npr. attending weddings. sleeping.
me at 10 years old, me at 16 years old, me at 35 years old, me at 45 years old, and me at 60 years old. we'd sit around and talk about stuff i don't remember and stuff that hasn't happened yet. and read comic books.
recently: avail, fugazi, aesop rock, mountain goats, the clash, les savy fav, talking heads, the futureheads, and lots of bhangra. not recently: a whole shitload of other stuff.
anchorman - greatest movie ever. other goodies - anything by terry gilliam; repo man; fight club, memento; lock, stock & two smoking barrels; big lebowski; leon; city of god; requiem for a dream; jackass; batman begins; full metal jacket; airplane; usual suspects; happiness of the katakuris; deer hunter; star wars (but not episodes I or II); platoon; etc, etc.
the sopranos and basketball games are all i watch. everything else is a giant steaming pile of shit.
i like leftist propaganda for armchair revolutionaries and self-indulgent fiction written by and for arrogant wankers.
in order: mom, noam chomsky, kevin garnett, tina fey, huey freeman.