Nel 1998 fonda il progetto "DUBWARE" (da "Dub", il genere musicale, e "Hardware", i supporti utilizzati per diffonderlo), che miscela il Roots Reggae anni '70 ai suoni elettronici moderni. E' stato un pioniere della musica in formato digitale: nel 1998, sul famoso sito le directories "Napoli" e "Campania" non c'erano: è stato il primo in Campania ad inserire un brano in codesto formato.
Riscuote un discreto successo di critico e pubblico, e nel 2000 il brano "Hot Get Hotter" viene incluso in una compilation internazionale di Dub: "The Dub Funk Association - Roots of Dub Funk", per l'etichetta londinese Tanty Records, assieme ad artisti quali Alpha & Omega, The Technician, etc.
Da subito il progetto vira verso una nuova posizione: unire la musica da lui prodotta alla videoarte, sempre di sua creazione.
Nasce nel 2001 il primo DVD di una produzione indipendente italiana, "Lion Treasure", il primo indipendente ad essere prodotto anche in surround 5.1 .
Attualmente Val conduce un'azienda, QES Labs, che si occupa di progettazione e realizzazione di apparecchiature Audio Pro.
===============[ENGLISH VERSION]================
A very creative mind. Val was born in Rimini in 1971, but soon moved to Naples, where he took the grade in double-bass at the local academy of music.
In 1998 he started his own musical project named "DUBWARE", (from "Dub": the musical genre, and "Hardware": all of the media, records, vinyls, used to spread this music around the world) where he started to blend the roots reggae of the 70's with the modern electronic sounds.
There is an interest in Dubware sounds, and in 2000 the track "Hot Get Hotter" is selected to be part of an international Dub compilation released by the London-based label Tanty Records, named "The Dub Funk Association - Roots of Dub Funk", along with important artists such as Alpha and Omega, The Technician, etc.
The project soon moved to a more complex state: blending his music with the videoart, also created by him, and in 2001 he produces the first DVD of an independent production in Italy being recorded in Surround 5.1 technique, "Lion Treasure".
Val actually runs a company, QES Labs, specialized in designing and crafting Pro Audio gear.
We could make this easy
Make this easy
It's not as heavy as it seems
Moonlight illuminate my night and my days sunray make the people say
Had a vision somethings missing so they're screaming out loud
Keep my feet on ground and my head in the clouds.
I'm the arrow, you're my bow, shoot me forth and I will go
And I know and I go and I go get up and go
Make me feel its for real tell me what you know.