wAtcHing tV... Tour aRouNd tHe w0rLd.. hahah... eAt oUtsiDe wId kAmBal (THEA).. mAlL tRip... l0lz... laUgh!ng wid my bAb..we aRe tHe cRaz!est c0uple.. hahaha!!! and The Ateneo Sp!r!t..
Uhmmmmm… uhmm…uhmm…uhmm… tsk tsk tsk tsk… Want to meet Mariah Carey in person!! Harharharharharhar
BlUe and Wh!te CD... SoNg of MaRy... AteNeo hym... hehehe
m0vie??? act!0n/c0medy w/ r0mance... n0t fun.. hehehe..
anywer goes except those fanteserye!!! hahahahaha heNya!! "Advertising 2005" J. Burnett.."2000 Professional's Guide to Target Marketing" C. Cottle... all about in Marketing/Management etc... hahahaha!!!