I. H. E. S. T. A. M. P. F. S. M. N.Adam West with a Cat Launcher | Funny Jokes at JibJabMusic is my life. I am two bands. I play drums for Bled Guilty. I play lead guitar for Amor Emarta. I have a beautiful girlfreind, Candy, that I've been with for a year now. I like reading, movies, and cars. I dislike bullshitters, two-faced assholes, and egomaniacs. I also hate olive green, and poodles. Love all music. I live in a house made of cards.I tap when i'm nervous. I love rasberry sherbert. Im tired. Currently stuck in Elkhorn waiting to bust out with the bands. Getting closer day by day. My heads always in the clouds. My heart is with the past. Time flys to fast. DM. MGD. I always find my self stepping back asking my self where the fuck I am and How i got here. No use. Lol. It is what it is.Hit me up if you wanna chit chat. Goodbye.MySpace Layouts - <?=$l_title?> myspace layouts