I'd like to meet:
.r{}..Welcome to the original All We Are Is Bullets (we are the oldest, and have been a site since May 5, 2007). We have a few simple rules here (we as in they're seven of us here, Doni, Hani, Britt, Megs, Bella, Gabi, and Abbey). I (Doni) am not putting these up here to scare away people, but to simply put our views in the open.
1. We write fanfictions about the band of all sorts, with adult themes, so we are not about the faint of heart. We push the boundaries, with homosexuality, violence, and adult themes so if you don't want to read it, please don't. We accept comments, but we do not appreciate for someone to tell us it's morally wrong to write the stuff we write. We give clear warnings and have from the begginning and we reserve the right for any of the band members to say they don't like slash fics, but we write them because we want to, and this is fiction, not real stories. It's about as real as unicorns. We've worked hard to be where we are, and we are not trying to sound like jerks as you read this, but we've had hate mail of our fics becuase of our in the past, so we're giving everyone fair game.
2. We add anyone who adds us except for those sites that are considered hate sites. We do not tolerate any disrespect towards the band members, their significan others, their family members, any My Chem fan, or anyone else because of race, creed, sexual orientation, or other beliefs. If you respect us, we respect you, simple as that. Again, hate mail has made me decide to put this warning up. We recognize for anyone to disagree with another's lifestyle, but we also recognize we are all adults, living our own lives, and cannot tell another person how to live if its within the boundaries of the law.
3. We s4s with anyone, whether you have 1 or 1 million friend count. If you ask to s4s with us we will accept. We also message back everyone and try to comment back as well. We also accept fan art and fan banners made by others (we have both in our albums with credits). We actively try to help other sites, because we believe the MCRmy should be a family, and stick together.
Well, there's the site in a nutshell. Enjoy our humble site. xoxo d
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