Fynd Fredum... Explore Lyfe(Hannah) profile picture

Fynd Fredum... Explore Lyfe(Hannah)

I am here for Networking

About Me

mY NaME iS HaNNAh SadlER AND the ComPAny Is pROnOUnceD "Find Freedom" and speLT WaY DIfFerANTly. i BeGAN dEsYgNINg FYnd Freedom In 2001 AnD hAVE sLoWLY pEACed iDeAS tOGethER oVER TYME. NonE Of THe dESigNS aRe cOmpuTor graphiCS THey ARe AlL hANd Drawn Onto A PaPer CaLLEd VeliuM PApER...tHEN bUrnt ONtO A a SiLK sCREen. i WanTEd 2 CoME uP WItH A DesYgN, ANd MOSt ImPortaNTLY GatHer A Way OF eXpRESSing my VieWS AnD IDeaS oN StICkinG With thE THe pATh LEss TRavelED. THe CODE WrIttING aCuALly SaYS THinGs. i DesIGned thE WrITtINg WhEN i WaS a Kid. i ThOUGHt iT fIT tHE idEA oF tHE coMPANy anD the fACt THat THe GooD tHiNGs In lYfe ArN't aLwaYS eaSy Or SiMpLE. ThE thing wHIch moTIVATed mE fROm thE sTART, was mY un-dyeing dESyrE 2 "Explore Lyfe". [URL=http://s206.photobucket.com/albums/bb182/fyndfredum/?ac tion=view&current=bd9601c1.pbw][IMG]http://i206.photobuc ket.com/albums/bb182/fyndfredum/th_IMG_0578.jpg[/IMG][/URL]h ttp://s206.photobucket.com/albums/bb182/

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love 2 C "ARTIST", Artist are people who are not affraid to express themselves freely...One of the most beautiful things you can learn in Lyfe is to express the true you in whatever forum "you choose"! Sk8erz, Snowboarding, Surf, BMX, Wakeboard, MAD RESPECT! All of these sports are fucking amazing! Deeply driven Desire to excell yourself in a self motavated way of Lyfe.....At this point in my own Lyfe those are the things I am driven towards, but not all of what interests me now is who I am! People who have a passion towards helping the world in general, or helping anyone but themselves, "always" have my attention. Singing, Rockclimbing, Dancers, Nerses, dOCTorS, AND so many more.......

My Blog

Fynd Fredum...Explore Lyfe...Check out this New company...www.Fynd Fredum.com

Check out FyndFredum.com! For the few who are looking for a little bit more, Mens & Womans apparel availble...Also we have hand made chalk bagz, for all the climbers out there...We are also featur...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 00:23:00 GMT