The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) profile picture

The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON)

How sick am I? I wish you health; I wish you insight so you could see for yourself

About Me

object width="300" height="110"> .. Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve Well, I can't sit here and elaborate on myself as alot of people do, but my name is Adrien-Jamaal I attend Iowa State Univerity where I major in Political Science/Pre-law with a mass communications concentration. To make a long story short I'm left-minded which makes me a realist I enjoy high class New England Americana living.

.. "; .. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


My Interests

I'm an AUTHENTIC sneakerhead, I also enjoy reading the novels of Dan Brown.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Antrelle Rolle, LeBron


Kanye West, Common, Nas, Jay-Z, Hall and Oates, Prince, Blink 182, Queen, The Chi Lites, Tom Brock, The KayGees, and so much more too much to just sit here and list


Rudy, Hoop Dreams, all 40 acres and a mule productions(Spike Lee joints)


Sports Center, Beyond the Glory


The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception point and soon to be The Solomon Key; All of which are the works of Dan Brown

My Blog

The Sectarian battle of Omaha,Ne

After years of unintentional research and odd omission I have figured out exactly...well more apporximate give or take a fact depending on the way you were raised; problem with my city of Omaha, Ne; T...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:28:00 PST

The Barack set up

With the election coming up it's only fitting that I start to get into politics being that I take an interest, study and is aware of the fact that what goes on at Capital Hill somewhat affects my life...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:25:00 PST


So let me get this straight...The presidential election is two and a half moths away The United States Department of Defense is currently contemplating becoming involved in the Russia/Georgia conflict...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:01:00 PST

Our Future

The youth of today are the citizens of tommorrow's world, and unto their hands the reigns will be passed and it will be theirs, in other words to accomplish what this genneration has failed to do desp...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 02:19:00 PST

The suing of God

Well a bit earlier today I was sitting at my laptop listening to the Beach Boys 1969 single Breakaway on repeat(which is actually a great song and has great production by Brian Wilson) when I received...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 01:28:00 PST

My revalation on hip hop

Yes, I have finally figured it out! The questions of the year(or last couple of years if you may)-"Who killed hip hop?"; "Is hip hop dead" These question were answered by the responses "Hip hop i...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 10:47:00 PST

Black in America

First and foremost...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?Most of these people out here who are writing notes and acting like they care all of a sudden have been black all of their life and have be...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 09:41:00 PST

Cardigan, Specs, Stoogie and thy Windsor

I believe that when I go out it's best that I go all out. I've been asked countless times "Why do you wear a tie?"; "What's up with the sweater?"; "What in the fuck do you have on?" I've walked throug...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:40:00 PST

Whats the issue? Pt. 1: Black awareness

It's been awhile since I've taken the time to do an actual blog but I have time on my hands at the moment. There are several issues that I want to adress, I thought about covering all ground in one bl...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:16:00 PST

Drugs, Cash, Hoes: Hip hop as we know it

Passage written and edited by: A.J. Cole with interpolations and exerts from C.B. BrownThe question that is being asked is; "Is hip hop dead" they way I personally see it is that hip hop is not dead a...
Posted by The Coolest ever (yung HANDZ ON) on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 02:08:00 PST