We hail from Louisville aka da Lou. We just a couple of crazy jigga's makin music. We got Big D holding down the vocals and drums, Lil' Weasel, Lana Lane, and Pooty Tang holding down on the vocals, Stina got the rapping skills and moi, THa TrAce, holding it down on the vocals and the keys. I also do the tracks. We are all related; sisters, brothers and cousins. We on that hyfi mode 24/7 and we da coolest peoples ta hang out with. Some people think we high, but we jus high on life. We love music, been singing and playing instruments since we could walk and we go to church, so you might hear some references to God in our music, can't leave him out. We named what we do Skitzophrenia cause we kinda sound skitzo. Our dad is a certified Skitzophrenic. Hopefully it don't run in the family. Have a nice day and enjoy the music. If u have any questions don't be sceeeeeerd to ask, aight?
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