My name is Steve and my Universal Connection is through music...Here, you will find various postings of some of my creations ...and, a lot more of ones that inspire me ...I've had this myspace for awhile and haven't really done much with it ...But, I plan on changing that ...So, keep an eye out ...You never know when you might find something of value here ...I am, also, building a website where people can share their uniqueness and collectively muse, commiserate and conspire about how they are finding Life's mystery to be ...A place to connect and share what's working for you ...and, what is not ...I'll keep you posted on that ...In the meantime let me just say ...Though, I believe it's Life's mystery that sustains us, I am also understanding, in ways more pronounced than ever before, that Life is a process of validating your "knowingness" through experience ...and, it's through this process that we continually rediscover who we are and what we can become ...It's all so fascinating, isn't it? ...In many ways it would seem that Life, simply, is about becoming ...Becoming, in a balanced way, that which you aspire to, but have yet to realize ...and that Life, itself, is simple, while the "Egocentricities" of the Human experience complicate ...I guess the trick is to Be in The World but not of it ...So, off we go ...from black and white to color ...from mono to stereo ...more interesting ...with more feeling ...on and on in a shared direction seeking a greater state of wholeness ...And, in spite of all that we are unsure of, there is one constant that we, seemingly, can rest in the assurance of it's continuance ...Change ...You can't stop it ...So, you might as well get with it ...I am getting with it ...Currently, and going forward, I am working on becoming someone I'd be proud to know.I am Steve and I say it best with music ...Thanks, for stopping by ...Until next time ...Be Well.
Celebrate Your Uniqueness - Define The Universal Connection with Sman!
Hi Friends...What a wonderful way to underscore our connection through this groovy world map guest book. This is a fun way to share our support for one another ...Sign in and Be The Change you affirm for yourself and the world.I want you to know that I'm always here for you; in all ways. Here's to making your dreams come true!
Sman's Bitchen Photo Cubes! ..
Photos are fun ...yes? ...So, this is my fun space ...I think that's a cool thing...