Lord Bassington-Bassington: A dog’s life
While born into a family rich in talent and learning, Lord Bassington-Bassington has so far displayed little of either. As a result, the Lord yearns for what he calls "the good old days", a time when men could be admired for their lineage and could spend their lives as amateurs and dilettantes.
Due to these yearnings, elitist statements such as â€if it’s not a Basset, it’s just a dogâ€, and the fact that his lordly title is in dispute (to put it mildly), it has been claimed that Lord Bassington-Bassington suffers from ideas above his station. This is flatly denied by the good Lord, who claims that “indeed, We are very down-to-earthâ€.
For while he might seem haughty and snobbish, he is not so. Such an impression is rather a result of him being sorely lacking in the social graces, the result of much time spent alone with his muzzle buried in books, or exploring films and phonographic records.
In his manners and appearance, he aspires to be an old-fashioned gentleman and dandy. These tendencies are, however, curtailed by a natural laziness and lack of ready funds to spend on footwear and overcoats.
Philosophically, Lord Bassington-Bassington is somewhere between the Enlightenment and Romanticism. While this might seem like a philosophically stimulating place to be, in practice it just means that he's a few hundred years out of date. He is an Atheist, and while this means he has no hopes of going to Dog Heaven, he is consoled that there is no Dog Hell to fear. He tends, however, to sympathize with decent, intelligent people of all religious persuasions.
Through the club The Hererical Cellar, Lord Bassington-Bassington has found a way to inflict his interests upon the public. The club is devoted to lectures about strange and obscure subjects, and the Lord often spins music there. The club's website is in Norwegian, but foreigners might enjoy the posters: http://www.kjetter.com/arrangementer/galleri.php?catid=1&
;start=20Despite all his faults, and to the astonishment of all that know him (and most of all to himself), Lord Bassington-Bassington has managed to become married to a Lady rich in all the virtues he himself lacks.