health, wealth, and happiness!
I'm infatuated with lost souls. Loud mouths. Quiet and mysterious people. People with annoying laughters (me) and who LAUGH too much. People who cry out LOUD (me again) and people who aren't afraid to speak up. Activists. And those with cool to the core funkadelic (i just love that word) personalities. The cool that gives people the chills when you open your mouth kinna cool hahahahaha...and yes i am also one of them =)
Red Hot Chili Peppers, i love John Fruciante. Radiohead, Audioslave, Sublime, Def Leapord, Tupac, Gangster Rap, Beatles, Astrud Gilberto, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Mos Def, Talib kweli, Erykah Badu, Corrine, Brittney, and the homegirl Paris! Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese also. esp Andy Lau
i dream of jeanie, i love lucy, bewitched. brady bunch old schools the best! ER, will & grace, friends, married with children, simpsons =)