Jose Miguel Crego (el Greco) profile picture

Jose Miguel Crego (el Greco)

About Me

BIOGRAFIAJos.. Miguel Crego Castro, conocido art..sticamente como "El Greco", naci.. el 25 de Enero de 1958. Comenz.. sus estudios musicales a la edad de 7 a..os en el Conservatorio Musical "Alejandro Garc..a Caturla" de La Habana, en la especialidad de trompeta. En 1970 pasa a estudiar en la Escuela Nacional de Arte de esta misma ciudad y desde peque..o demostr.. fuertes inquietudes y aptitudes para la improvisaci..n. Comienza su vida profesional en el a..o 1976 en la Big Band del Hotel Capri que en aquel momento estaba dirigida por el famosos trompetista Leonardo Timor . En Cuba tambien toca en muchas ocasiones en los festivales de jazz y junto al famoso trompetista ARTURO SANDOVAL. Posteriormente se incorpor.. al grupo "Los Yakos" y de ah.. pas.. a formar parte del Grupo AFROCUBA, con quien realiza su primera gira internacional, present..ndose como el primer grupo musical cubano en Clubes de Jazz europeos; como el New Morning de Par..s y de ginebra, suiza y el Ronnie'Scott de Londres. Posteriormente se incorpora al Grupo IRAKERE con quien realiza varias giras internacionales y graba tres discos, uno de m..sica de concierto (Tierra en transe) y dos bailables (Ruta 43 y Bailando as..). De ah.. pasa a la Orquesta Cubana de M..sica Moderna y de ah.. al Grupo GALAXIA, con quien se presenta durante varios meses en Centro y Sur Am..rica y graba un disco (La Mujer Precisa) en Colombia, ademas de grabar la m..sica que se elaboro para la bienvenida del papa JUAN PABLO SEGUNDO, tambi..n trabajo con la orquesta LOS TUPAMAROS, adem..s de la cantante PALOMA SAN BASILIO, en el a..o 1988 funda junto a prestigiosos m..sicos cubanos, provenientes en su mayor..a del Grupo IRAKERE, el Grupo NG La Banda,bajo la direcci..n general de JOSE LUIS CORTES con quien recorre gran parte del hemisferio y se presenta en los m..s importantes festivales de Jazz del mundo como el North Sea Jazz Festival, Montreaux Jazz Festival, Nice Jazz Festival, Nantes Jazz Festival, Normand..a Jazz Festival, Color Caf.. Festival, JAPON, Rio de Janeiro , Venezuela , Canc..n 2000,con el pianista Gabriel Hern..ndez , etc. Grab.. alrededor de 40 discos, algunos de ellos para importantes sellos discogr..ficos del mundo y se present.. en escenarios como el Lincoln Centre de New York,en el 1997.Ademas de tocar con WILLY COLON ,OSCAR DE LEON,FRANKIE RUIZ HECTOR LAVOE , ROBERTO ROENA, JOSE CHEO FELICIANO,MICHEL LEGRAN,LUIS GARCIA,ANDY MONTA..EZ,TOMMY OLIVENCIA,PAPO LUCAS,WILLY CHIRINO, HECTOR LAVOE,DIKY GAYTAN, AFROCUBA ALL STAR , DANILO PEREZ , DAVID S..NCHEZ , DAVID VALENTIN , DIZZY GILLIESPE , etc. En el a..o 1997 forma su propio grupo con el que realiza una gira por Costa Rica y graba un disco en los estudios de Grabaci..n MARSOL . Este disco del sello discogr..fico BIS MUSIC fue ganador del premio al mejor disco 1997 en la categor..a de jazz, titulado THE NEW CUBAN JAZZ, VOLUMEN I. Ha sido invitado a grabar por numerosas personalidades del mundo art..stico como Gonzalo Rubalcaba , en el CD titulado ANTIGUA as.. como varias bandas sonoras de pel..culas de importantes directores de cine, como por ejemplo "Pareja de tres" (Espa..a), Nazca (Chile), Kyoko (Jap..n).Ha compartido escenario con artistas de la talla de Arturo Sandoval, George Benson, Winston Marsalis , Ivan Lins , Clark Terry , Chikc Corea ,Tania Maria , Irakere , Dizzy Gillespie , Chico Freeman , Dave Valentin , Sammy Figueroa, Robbie Ammen , Gilberto gil Ermeto pascual y much..simos m..s. Tienen grabados cuatro discos como solista, de los cuales adem..s ha sido productor, as.. como una serie de ocho discos de m..sica para aprender a bailar. En el a..o 1987 gan.. el Primer Premio del concurso abierto de Jazz para trompetistas que se realiz.. en Ciudad Panam... Actualmente trabaja como solista acompa..ado de su quinteto al que nombr.. TOP SECRET , Donde realizo su primera gira internacional a Costa Rica ofreciendo 4 conciertos uno de ellos en el teatro MELICO SALAZAR de la capital. Recientemente a sido invitado por el se..or Juan de Marcos Gonzalez director del Proyecto AFROCUBA ALL STAR a tocar con ellos donde tambien estan los musicos RUBEN GONZALEZ AL PIANO , CACHAO EN EL BAJO , AMADITO VALDES EN EL TIMBAL, Y OTROS MAS."EL GRECO" BIOGRAPHYJos.. Miguel Crego Castro, artisticaly known as 'El Greco', born January 25, 1958. Begun his musical studies at the age of 7 years old at the Musical Conservatory 'Alejandro Garc..a Caturla' in La Habana, in the specialty of trumpet.In 1970 went to study in the National Arts School of the same city and from an early age demonstrated strong liking and desire for the improvisation.Begun his professional life in 1976 with the Big Band at the Hotel Capri, directed at the time by the famous trumpeter 'Leonardo Timor'.Then he joined the group 'Los Yakos', followed by the group 'Afrocuba' with whom he traveled on his first International tour, performing as the first Cuban band in European Jazz clubs such as: New Morning clubs in Paris and Geneva, Ronnie'Scott in London.He then went to the group 'Irakere', with whom he performed during three international tours and recorded three records, one includes concert music (Tierra en transe) and two of dance music (Ruta 43 and Bailando asi).He then played with the Cuban Orchestra of Modern Music, then with the group Galaxia, with whom he performed during several month in Central and South America and recorded one record (La Mujer Precisa) in Colombia, as well as recorded the music written for the welcome of the Pope, John Paul II. He also worked with the Orchestra Los Tupamaros as well as the singer Paloma San Basilio. During the year 1988 alongside prestigious Cuban Musicians - mostly from the group Irakere, They created the group NG under the general direction of Jose Luis Cortes with whom he traveled most of the world and performed in the most important Jazz festivals of the world; such as North Sea Jazz Festival, Montreaux Jazz Festival, Nice Jazz Festival, Nantes Jazz Festival, Normandy Jazz Festival, Color Caf.. Festival, Japan, Rio de Janeiro, Venezuela, etc.He recorded around 40 records, some of them for the most important recording studios in the world, and he performed at stages such as the Lincoln Centre of New York in 1997. He also performed with Willy Colon, Oscar De Leon, Frankie Ruiz, Hector Lavoe, Jose Cheo Feliciano, Michael Legrand, Luis Garcia, Andy Montanez, Tommy Olivencia, Papo Lucas, Willy Chirino, Diky Gaytan, Etc.In the year 1997 he creates his own group with whom he travels to Costa Rica and recorded a record at the Marsol Recording Studio. This record with the BIS Music Seal won First Prize for Best Jazz Record in 1997, the record's name is "The New Cuban Jazz, Volumn I".He has been invited to record by many personalities of the artistic world, such as Gonzalo Rubalcaba on the CD 'Antigua', as well as many groups of film music such as the recent films: 'Pareja de Tres' (Spain), 'Nazca' (Chile), 'Kyoko' (Japan). He recently acted in a the Cuban Film 'Profecias de Amanda' directed by Pastor Vega.He has also shared the stage with artists such as Arturo Sandoval, George Benson, Winston Marsalis, Ivan Lins, Clark Terry , Chick Corea, Tania Maria, Irakere, Dizzy Gillespie, Chico Freeman, Dave Valentin, Sammy Figueroa, Robbie Ameen, Gilberto Gil, Hermeto Pascual and many more.He also has recorded four records as soloist, where he was also the producer, he also has a series of eight records with music for dancing lessons.In the Year 1987, he won the first price on the Jazz Open Contest for Trumpets in the city of Panama.Presently, he plays as a soloist with his quintet Top Secret, they have completed their first international tour to Costa Rica, with four presentations and one of those at the Melico Salazar Theater. They enjoy membership in the Corporation for International Touring of Artistic Presentations Morena Producciones S.A. de C.V. and the National Center for Popular Music.

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Member Since: 5/10/2007
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Record Label: unicornio, bis music.
Type of Label: Major