Business,music industry and Italian language. Sports...
Johnny Pacheco and Joe Arroyo
All kinds...
Carlitos Way,Don't be a menace...,Godfather(all parts),The Little Mermaid,Scary Movie(1&2)The Notebook,Little Man,The Beauty and the Beast,Scarface,White Chicks,Swordfish, Traffic,Cinderella,Chucky,Jason,Freddy(all movies),Saw movies are kool but looking forward to Saw III...and much more
The Underground,The Sopranos,Sportscenter,Ugly Betty, MAD TV,Yo Momma,Dane Cook The Vicious circle,Kat Williams, Dave Chappelle,Carlos Mencia,NBA,MLB,NFL games...
True to the Game, How to get Rich:Donald Trump, Section 8 Bible(housing industry),
Jesus and the U.S troops.