Surfing the net, watching TV, hanging out with my buds, you know, the basic.
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Depends on my mood--I pretty much listen to everything except country. I'll usually have the top 40 stations playing when I'm in the car, but I've been switching to rock more and more, and even more R&B and rap has made its way into my favorites.
I don't care too much about movies, but I do go and see one about once every four or five months. Horror flicks and save-the-world flicks tend to be my favorites. No chick flicks, no slapstick comedy for me!
I used to watch TV all the time, but recently have fallen off track with a lot of my shows. Right now, I'm stuck on Heroes, Deal or No Deal, 1 vs. 100, American Idol, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Family Guy, American Dad, Flavor of Love, I Love New York, and Flavor of Love Girls Charm School.
Haven't read much lately, but Stephen King books are usually what I find myself reading whenever I have a lot of nothing to do.