hallo, hi, hey.I be Sophie. Jophie, Sophip, Savory..
Music makes me, me.-i never seem to stop smiling these days.
-i love to read and have this weird habbit where I analyse everything..
-my two favourite bands are HIM, and CKy.
-i have really weird graphic dreams and chances are if I know you you’ll hear about them at some point.
-I have a webbed finger.
-i hate even numbers and cats.
-i bite peoples cheeks.
-fluent in French.
-i’m pretty good at reading people. but I can be wrong.
-my best friend is ginger.
-i’ve finished school. 2004-2009. 5 of the best years of my life.
-i have this sickness where i laugh at other peoples misfortunes. im seriously not a horrible person i just cant help it.
-i can be really immature.
-jackass changed my life.
-my nieces, nephew, and friends are my whole life :)
-you should get to know me, even if I am weird. I love people easily :)
-i try to see the fun side of most things, but if you mess with my friends then prepare for the storm.
’’It’s hairy and it’s under the table- no, it’s not Mollie.’’If I smile at you, smile back.
‘Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.’
- My new found inspiration- Stephanie Meyer. Everyone’s kinda hopped up about twilight the film, and some the books. But I guess it means different things to each individual. And her books amaze me. Inspiration.[email protected]
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