horror films,30 Days of Night comic books, Lenore, 'normal' books, The Dice Man, Pelzer making and creating new pieces for lovely people like you to wear! music!epecially LIVE! and HEAVY! black roses, velvet, rubber, pvc, fish net, sparkles, crystals, black diamond.......
Anyone! We are very friendly here at GT!
LIVE and HEAVY! o yes! Converge, My Ruin, Bleeding Through, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Mental, Johnny Truant........
30 Days of Night, 28 Days Later, Stigmata, Exorsism of Emily Rose, Pan's Labirynth, Cat Soup, Big Fish :( Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse's Bride.......
Ummm.....Dragon's Den!and Prison Break...
Dave Pelzer, The Dice Man, Marilyn Manson, Neil Gaiman, Roman Dirge (anything by)......