Vocal Sample Marys Creek Blood (just a portion) |
Okay I know it's a very no frills, mono recording, but I thought I should upload something that demonstrated my upper register. This is just a portion of the song and is recorded with ... Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:24:00 GMT |
Jethro Tull |
So where are all the other Jethro Tull fans?? I know you're out there. I want to find some I can make music with...if you also really like metal/symphonic metal, even better...Mouse. Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 18:28:00 GMT |
Coverband |
I 'm a vocalist who really wants to start a coverband that plays a bunch of great songs that people will enjoy hearing. Since I'm a mega Jethro Tull fan, I'd love to throw the odd Tull song into... Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:52:00 GMT |
...And the Mouse Police Never Sleeps Lyrics by Jethro Tull |
Muscled, black with steel-green eye
swishing through the rye grass
with thoughts of mouse-and-apple pie.
Tail balancing at half-mast.
...And the mouse police never sleeps ---
lying in the cherry tree.... Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:33:00 GMT |
Hi! The Mouse Sings |
Hi there!
The Mouse Police may not be sleeping but they are resting at the moment. We will be getting busy very soon.
In the meantime, the songs I've uploaded a few demos (covers) which were recorded ... Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 20:57:00 GMT |
Hi |
I've uploaded a couple of new songs to my playlist. Sorry to cause disappointment but I've had to remove a couple to do so.
Since I can only have 4 uploaded at a time I thought I might mix it up... Posted by on Wed, 16 May 2007 19:01:00 GMT |