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Add to My Profile | More VideosBobby Brown Is A Heartless ScammerI am writing in regards to a disservice that I experienced using Bobby Brown of Bobby Brown Bail Bonds as my brothers bondsman. A bonds man provides a service for the families of the accused to get their loved ones out of jail until they go to trial and/or sentenced. Note that a bail bondsman can revoke a persons bond at their discretion and for any reason.
My brother had the misfortune of associating with persons who had caused his house to be raided by the ATF late of last year. The ATF had received a tip from a confidential informant that a person who was living in my brothers home was storing automatic weapons there. These automatic weapons turned out being Air soft rifles. Air soft rifles are plastic replicas of automatic weapons that look like automatic rifles but are in actuality nothing more than BB guns. The ATF also found a small amount of met amphetamines. This is were Bobby Brown came in to the picture.
Over the past six months I have given Bobby Brown approximately $6000 so that my brother could stay out of jail until his sentencing. My brother agreed to take a 4 year offer from the district attorney instead of taking the case to trial and possibly facing a 8-48 year sentence if convicted (keep in mind this was my brothers first offence). What happens when a person takes a plea offer is a court date is set where the accused formally pleas guilty to the reduced charge. After this plea court date another court date is given where the accused will be sentenced. This court date will range from 1-4 months after the plea court date. This is an extra 1-4 month period that the accused can spend with his family before being taken into custody.
In order for the accused to stay out of jail a continuance of the bond must be granted by the bondsman. The day of my brothers plea date I had met with Bobby Brown in person and asked him if he would extend my brothers bond until he was sentenced. He looked me in the eyes and as a man agreed to extend the bond. He also was so kind as to be at court to tell the judge in person.
As soon as Bobby Brown entered the courtroom, he caught eyes with the district attorney. Apparently they were old buddies. They then got together and they had a little chat. My brothers attorney had already told the judge that Bobby Brown was going to extend my brothers bond. At that point Bobby Brown started shaking his head and told the judge that he was revoking my brothers bond. After I gave him $6000 and seventy five thousand dollars in collateral on my home in the very unlikely event that my brother would skip bond (the plea agreement also stated that my brother would receive an addition 12 years to the four year sentence if he did not show up to his sentencing), after he assured me that he was extending my brothers bond, after I put my trust in Bobby Browns Bail Bonds. Very sincerely F