Divisionary Unit profile picture

Divisionary Unit

About Me

I'm just one person. One woman with a constant urge to examine each individual component of the world inside and around me. When I write music there is no agenda or pressure for productivity. There is only feeling what is, and articulating that feeling through whatever means feels right at that moment. I hear others describe my music as "Ambiecore" or "epic". Call it what you wish. My hopes are only that others will stumble by my music and might feel inspired or that the music articulates how they feel to show them they are not the only one who feels that way. This world can Hijack our spirits from our hearts. I hope that the music can be a way of others to find their way out of numbness and choose to feel.

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My Interests


Member Since: 09/05/2007
Band Website: chelsea's catharsis
Band Members: One physical member that is Chelsea, many spiritual members that are nameless and faceless but fully felt in the music.
Influences: Jarboe, Tori Amos, Skinny Puppy, LPD, Animal Collective, Genesis Piorridge, Mentallo and the Fixer, P.J Harvey, Peggy Lee, Azam Ali, Axiom of Choice, Jeff Buckley,Sussan Daiyim,Marmoset, Sufjan Stevens,Coil,Yungchen Lhamo, Nusret Fateh Ali Cahn,CC0C, Velvet Underground, Larson, Swans, Android Lust, Diamonda Galas, 70's Persian Music, A Naifka,Phillop Glass, Chopin, Bach, Dresdon dolls, Otis Redding, Billy Holliday, VNV Nation, Slowdive, and on......
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

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