I'm a dancer!!!! It's my Passion! You name it, I've probably done it...(Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Irish Step Dancing (Riverdance) Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha) and again I say you name it...I'm on a dance team with the best teamates anyone could ask for! #9 in the Nation! My friends are what keep me going! I don't know what I'd do without them!! I used to live in Florida, and I miss it a lot, The weather there was more my style: Hot and Beachy! I like Chocolate and Starbucks, that keeps me going too! If you can make me laugh then I might just love ya forever!!!A few things you might want to know...I LIKE:
Red gummy bears ~ Mango smoothies and frozen pizza with Hala ~ wishing on 11:11 ~ Peach Ice Cream and girl movies with Kate and Steph ~ Hot tub parties under the stars ~ Dancing with boys ~ Going up to Mt Falcon and staring at the Moon, the Stars and the lights of Denver ~ Dove Chocolate ~ When people drive manual bare foot ~ bare feet in general...I dont like wearing shoes! ~ Otter Pops ~ Awkward silences ~ Yellow and Red roses ~ Cherry Pie ~ A really good Thunderstorm~ Wintergreen Altoids ~ Everything about the Ocean, but especially the smell! ~ Giving Massages ~ People that can laugh at themselves ~ Smiling and making people look at me funny ~ Bonfires ~ Cherry Garcia ice Cream...OMG does it get any better than that? ~ Singing along with my music ~ Girl Scout Cookies after they have been in the freezer ~ Dancing without music ~ kissing in the rain ~ Coconut shampoo ~ Lipgloss...I CANT STAND:
People standing in front of the microwave (dont get me started)
~ stupid people who tell me what I'm doing wrong even when they do the same thing! ~ People who sing along with songs off key and monotone ~ When people aren't straightforward because I can't read your mind ~ Boys who lead you on then drop you ~ Having to smile and nod after I'm sick of listening to someone ~ Fake laughs ~ The phrase, "oh nevermind" or "I'll tell you later" because usually they dont ~
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