About Me
to whom it concerns, i'm CiaraClarks. 20 years old since july.
i don't care who you are, i'll still talk to you. i'm nice and try to talk to everyone who can hold up a conversation,
but i don't have a message button for a reason. i'm a human being, not a robot,
you can talk to me like you're talking with your friends.
you don't have to talk with perfect grammar and punctuation, i couldn't care any less than i do now, just make it legible.
don't come to me with your overbearing ego either(you'll find out why), i'll appreciate it, thanks.
__i used to be the girl that would look for love at all coast and non-stop.
i used to be the girl that was always second best at everything, and second choice to everyone.
i used to be the girl that was so self-conscious about my weight and how she looks.
i used to be the girl that didn't have high aspirations because she didn't think she could be what she wanted, or do what she wanted,
just because she couldn't afford it, or whatever the reason. i used to be the girl that wanted to be free, and get away from everything.
well that's not me anymore, i will be free, i'm content with who i am, whether or not i'm with someone.
i have friends, who make me happy.
if there's something that i want to do, i'll do it, no matter how long it takes.
though, on the way i hope someone does come along.
__i'm not saying i don't have a big ego or high expectations or anything,
i do, i'm not afraid to show my opinion, and i'm highly capable of defending it.
i'm just saying there's a time and a place for everything, and i don't want yours clashing with mine,
because it will. i feel like i just contradicted myself, oh well haha