Chrissy Budzinski profile picture

Chrissy Budzinski

About Me

Chrissy’s, a singer/songwriter whose style of music ranges from beautiful heartfelt ballads to upbeat and outrageous fun songs. Her warm crystal clear voice and awesome acoustic guitar playing will spell bound you. She’s truly a performer you won’t forget!A native of Titusville, PA, Chrissy started playing guitar when she was twelve - writing her first song at fifteen. When asked about her music, she says “most of my music speaks of things I’ve experienced or seen, so hearing my music gives the listener some insight into my life”.Chrissy moved to upstate New York in the early 1980’s and has been performing at many coffeehouses, bookstores, Pride Picnics and concert halls in the New York and Massachusetts area. Her biggest musical thrill to date was opening for “BETTY” at Paige Hall, and also opening for Cheryl Wheeler at the Eighth Step in Albany, New York. It was so exciting to be given the opportunity to meet and play on the same stage with them.Her new CD called, “Taking Chances”, is available through her web site.Chrissy is refreshing and unique. When seeing her in concert, be ready for an unforgettable show of great music and humor that lifts the spirit and takes you on a musical journey until the last note is Myspace Backgrounds

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Member Since: 09/05/2007
Band Website:
Influences: Hi Everyone,Sorry for the different look of my Myspace, unfortunately in the last 6 months, I got two viruses from Myspace, and $400.00 later I decided to keep just a few things on my sight.I now have a NEW WEBSITE that you can visit.Thanks to MYspace I have met so many awesome and talented people.I hope you stop by, I'd love to hear from you. I have a new CD for sale called, "Taking Chances". You will not be disappointed.Take careLove, Chrissy
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: Major

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