Andie Candie Pants profile picture

Andie Candie Pants

Love is a hot shower where your skin never prunes.

About Me

I was born a poor black chile.... ok, not really, in fact, I'm pretty sure if I breed with a white fella, my children will be transparent... but isn't "The Jerk" a great movie? Moving on... What to say, what to say?? I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, all that jazz. Predominantly I'm an administrative assistant by day and a homebody-slash-spinster cat lady by night (according to my best friend). I live in my small apartment with my daughter of the feline persuasion, Essie. I play guitar and flute and a smidge of piano, write poetry and short stories. My idea of a good time is defined by who you are with, not what you are doing. I'm now looking my "late twenties" dead in the eye and screaming "BRING IT BITCH!!" I have found a new love in writing my blogs, so I encourage you to swing by it and comment.Live, Laugh, Love, Sing a song, and for God's sake, read a book!!! baby blue myspace layout

My Interests

Theatre!!!!! Acting, all that jazz. Plays I've done: Cats, The Sound of Music (several times), Annie, Up the Down Staircase, The Whole Shebang, There's No Business Like Snow Business, The Wiz, South Pacific, Grease, Lost in Space and the Mortgage Due, Company, Quiet on the Set, Laundry & Bourbon, Nearly Departed, A Tribute to Laugh In, Twelve Angry Men, The Lion in Winter, Vanities, Flights of Fancy, Tribute, Deathtrap and soon Troilus & Cressida.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with something interesting or funny to say. I love to laugh and am extremely weird. So say something off the wall or leave me a comment and we've got something to talk about! OH... and John Mayer... I just love John Mayer (as you will see in any and all surveys I may fill out. Its a recurring theme)
Create your own Friend Quiz here


I listen to a lot of Classic Rock, The Beatles, Zepplin, Who, Doors, Janis, Jimmi, and my all-time faves Supertramp. These days I like listening to a lot of John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, The Fray, Frou Frou & KT Tuhnstall. When I want to rock though, I go back to my CR Roots.


Favorite, The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother, followed by the following (duh)The Princess Bride, Love Actually, The Replacements, The Usual Suspects, Bull Durham, Volunteers, Father Goose, Charade, The Money Pit, Twelve Angry Men, The Jerk, Chicago, West Side Story, Ocean's 11 (both versions), Wild Things, The Sting, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, The Quiet Man, McClintock, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs, Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, Super Troopers, Clerks, Chasing Amy, The Village, and many many many many more.


CSI Rocks!!! (Las Vegas, not those gay others) Big Brother, and (I am ashamed) Flavor of Love & The Surreal Life. I also LOVE The First 48 on A&E as well as MythBusters, Family Guy, and I am a sucker for almost any E! True Hollywood Story.


CHECK OUT GHASTLY PARABLES COMIX!!!! THEY'RE ON MY TOP FRIENDS!!!! The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point, Digital Fortress, and Angels & Demons, all by Dan Brown; Misery, IT, Insomnia, Nighmares & Dreamscapes, Everything's Eventual, Cell, Christine, Different Seasons, Four Past Midnight, The Green Mile, Pet Sematary, all by Stephen King; and The Rainmaker, The Client, The King of Torts, and A Painted house all by John Gresham. I also loved "Feel This Book" by Jeanine Garafolo & Ben Stiller, as well as Creepers (I don't remember the author.) I'm currently re-reading Nightmares and Dreamscapes for the 800th time.


My Father & Cousin Kamryn who both survived Cancer, my mother for her never ending cuteness, my brother for his God-Given Fucking Athletic Ability and humor! My Auntie Jen for turning into my favorite relative!!! Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Mel Brooks, Christohper Guest. And my IDOL... Madeline Kahn...And my baby daddy....

My Blog

Finally got around to the Year in Review

Well, y'all, I know its like, a month late, but here's my 2007 year end recap. Every year I keep a day planner and every morning I write a lil blurb about what I did the day before. Thought it might b...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:35:00 PST

Hoping this works

Hi all, I'll post an update blog soon, including a rather funny story about my mother and the special bus stalker child from Mervyn's soon, but for now, I'm posting this. I posted it as a bulletin, bu...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:49:00 PST

Back from a long absence

Howdy all!!! Well, I'm not dead, although there have been days since my last post that I wish I were... Just a few quick updates! In no particular order of importance... The Shakespeare by the Lake pe...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:30:00 PST

Some People Should Just Be Shot.

Ok, I feel the need to address something as quickly as possible.   I've been looking for someone to replace me at the front desk at work so that I may move up in the company. This "honor" requi...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:59:00 PST

In case youve been up at night worrying about me...

Howdy ya'll& didja miss me? Well, updates& The show closed on the 30th to a packed house, including my mother and father. (Cast Pic in my New Pictures album) Mom took me to get new clothes because I...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 04:55:00 PST

Saying Goodbye

Tonight, at the age of 13, Xena our dog of that amount of time passed away. Xena was our dog for exactly half my life, and she was a staple of my "growing up years". She was always eager for attentio...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:57:00 PST

Adventures in Web Dating... Episode 4

So many people ask, "if these experiences were so bad, why did you continue to do it?" Well, not all guys are spastic. So as not for you all to think that all the guys I meet online are losers, I pre...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:20:00 PST

On the cusp of insanity comes clarity...

In tradition of every other blog being entertaining, I give you a boring one. Update&   I'm going crazy. I have been so busy I haven't had time to breathe. In fact, I rarely have time to eat,...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:52:00 PST

Adventures in Web Dating... Episode 3

I met this guy, we'll call him Mitchell, on Yahoo Personals.. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now, but I assure you, I haven't. Mitchell was 29, an accountant, and lived in Modesto. Mitchel...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:40:00 PST

My HOT night with John Mayer!!!!!!!!

You HAD to know that was just wishful thinking... didn't you??? Howdy y'all.. Just a little update on what's been going on with me& I'm super super crazy wicked busy. The month of June is something ...
Posted by Andie Candie Pants on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:58:00 PST