photography, painting, writing, dance, music, movies, travel, road trips,
Right now I would have like to have met Moses. Moses while he was sitting up on a mountain.or"There are a lot of old musicians, there are a lot of old artists. It's their passion that keeps them alive and keeps them going. Maybe that's what keeps me going. It's a certain passion for doing what you like to do." -Herman Leonard
ohhh! rhapsody juke box has over 500 musicians. If I had to list names...I never can have to muchcurrently I'm listening to the Blues. Went to Preservation Hall in New Orleans and it's hard to get that music out of my system. Oh Oh Oh OH.Ingrid Lucia.She is amazing.
Lots...Lots...Lots....... CURRENTLY WATCHING: Dream for an insomniac. Sliding Doors.BUT ALSO ENJOY:Auntie Mame, When Harry Met Sally, Out of Africa, Love in the Afternoon, Choclat, Billy Eliott, City of Joy, Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Nuns Story, Great Expectations, Pal Joey, Roxanne, Playing By Heart, 200 cigs, Waterloo Bridge, Two for the Road, Life Aquatic, The Red Shoes, You can't take it with you, Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine, In the Realms of the Unreal, Laurel & Hardy, Streetcar, Wings of Desire, Brief Encounter, La Dolce Vita, anything CANTINFLAS, Red Violin, Monsoon Wedding, The Saddes Music in the World, Blow, Desk Set, Love song for bobby long, Butterfield 8, Summertime, The notebook, The Hunger, Creature Comforts, Before Sunset, Dream for an Insomniac, Desk Set, Grapes of Wrath.LOTS LOTS MORE
been watching Project Runway.or The travel channel The history channel The learning channel
anything by Byron, Tennyson, Faulkner, Anais Nin, Henry Miller, DH Lawrence, Neruda,been into magazines latelyVogue, American Photo, Relevant Mag, World Pulse, Something Extra (nob hills monthly mag)
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